
What to do when in your gym class your listening to music that goes against everything you stand for?

by  |  earlier

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Well when i hear it it makes me extremely uncomfortable , I put up with it last year and can't take it any more. I pretty much desided to take an annonomous stand. I'm usually the kind of girl who lets people walk all over her and i desided i don't want to be that way anymore and thought it would be a nice start. :)

My class may hate my little change in the music, however it's not like i've got much to lose, no really close friends. I think it'll make me feel like i have more power and help others see that i'm done taking all the c**p their dishing out.




  1. how long are you in that class for, like an hour each day? honestly, just get over it. its not a big deal. it's music, i honestly don't think it goes against everything you stand for, please tell us more.

  2. Nice idea taking a stand.

    And remember if they dont like the music and say things like. "Why you change our music?" "no wonder you have no friends."

    U just reply. Difference makes the world go around.

    I have a different liking than you.

    Is that such a crime?

    And remember no matter what you always have at least one friend.

    Sumwhere in the world sum1 thinks u did the right thing.

  3. It doesn't sound like the music is being played to "dish out c**p" to you if it's being played for everybody in the class. Are you quite sure you aren't doing this because others like the music and you think you might have some power over stopping it? I sympathize with being marginalized in school, I was too, but the situation just sounds a little too "Carrie."  

  4. What kind of music is it?????  for real though, what if everyone else in the class dislikes your kind of music?  should they take a stand too?

  5. You listen to music in gym?  && hey if it goes against what you stand for, go for it!! Stand up for what you believe is right!!

  6. i think u need to take a stand

    honestly i don't think they should be able to play that kind of music

    b/c they ain't allowed to play that stuff at my school

    u shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable at school

    and u definitely shouldn't feel like your lunch is bout to come up

    so u go for it don't worry wat other People think

    if it goes against what u stand for then tell them

  7. Just tell yourself how wonderful "diversity" is, and how it has improved every part of your life.

  8. my PE teacher plays rap every day in gym....... it gets very, very old.  

  9. DO IT! who cares what people say about you. as long as your happy than you should feel proud of yourself ! the same thing has been happening to me!

  10. Talk to your principal or even the gym teachers. Their not allowed to offend anyone.

  11. I guess I'd like to know what kind of music it is.  If it is something vulgar and violent and just plain dumb like rap/hip hop, then I can see why you don't like it.

    Don't be afraid to take a stand.    

  12. You go girl! It's nice that you made a commitment that'll help you survive in this world better. Stand up for yourself, or else you'll get walked all over. You sound like an innocent teenage girl, which is more than most girls can say. People will listen to that music, what ever it is, and yes you'll still hear it every now and then so what you should do is try to change it in that class let them blow their minds on their own time,  change the station, not to your type of music, obvoisly. Make it something that everyone can listen too, they don't have to like it, but music like you'd hear at a school dance would probably be good.

                 As for the no friends thing taking a stand will show people that your a strong independent girl who's not afraid to be herself and to not go with the crowd ,people will flock to people like that.

                 Chances are your not the only one who feels like it is bad music.  Even if you don't have many friends, someone somewhere eventally will love you and want to hang out alot, it might be a few years, but don't blend in until then enjoy not having anyone to impress at school go your own way.

  13. Just take the teacher to the side and let them know how you feel

  14. You have to tell the gym instructor how you feel and maybe send a note from your parents expressing how you feel. You don't have to make a scene in front of the whole class with an outburst. Just approach the teacher before or after class and see what she has to say about it. If she doesn't change it, then you can take it up with the principal but it doesn't have to involve any of your classmates unless you're outgoing enough to ask for support and handle all their feedback. If there's any bad language in it, I don't think it's allowed in school (whatever wouldn't pass for the Disney channel) so that alone would be reason enough to have to change it.

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