
What to do when life is too much? What do you think of this life? Is is good?

by Guest21582  |  earlier

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First of, my life is basically h**l, It could be worse of course and I'm grateful for what I have but it's seriously too much.

Here is my life summed up: I used to hang out with losers then I was saved by my best friend(Kristen) who is like my sister and she has issues. Thinks she can do whatever she wants treats her parents like c**p, she just turned 13 in July. Going through a custody trial and used to cut. Her mom is rich in a house an hour away and her dad is here. She resorts to cutting, music and drinking when she's at her mom's house in their bar at night and IM's me about it. Now, My other friend(Rachel)'s mom is divorcing her husband because she cheated on him and JUST told my friend and she's 13. My other friend(Christi) whom I've known forever told her mom that I went out with a friend at 6 am in town cause she thought I would get "raped". But we were in the bagel shop and it's two blocks away from me. So, she's not allowed to see me and her mom is all overprotective and she's 11. I am basically in love with this boy from my school and he likes one of my newly acquired friends and now they're fighting. And I made it worse by telling the girl he said they were going out but they really weren't apparently. My mom has issues with money and is kinda sick (some vertigo thing). I have hypothyroidism, I was adopted from a very poor family in Russia. Music is like my escape right now I couldn't live without it. I sing. I just finished my 4 week dance class which was way too advanced but I kept with it because I didn't want to tell everyone I "quit". I used to sorta like Kristen's ex boyfriend and then he went out with another friend of mine and they broke up 2 days later. I was supposed to go out with him, but he was MADLY IN LOVE with my Kristen still who doesn't care cause all the guys like her but she always denies it. I'M ONLY 12 YEARS OLD! I go to a junior-senior high school so it's basically 7-12. I'm going into 8th grade next year. On Sept. 3. And the school's roof is being fixed so no one has gotten their schedule yet. Is this an okay life? I personally think all my friend's problems are being thrown in MY face so they can go off dating guys and making out. While I'm stuck at 12 years old boyfriend-less. I don't have many younger friends because I'm "too mature" for my age as my mom says. Is this truly h**l???? You opinions please! I just want to see. BTW- this was all the SHORT version. There's like a gagillion more stuff going on. Actually, like 13 more...but another important one: one of my friends has anorexia and is still friends with the losers which are like really immature even though she deserves better.




  1. it'll be fine, there people that have Wayworse than you, when my parents divorced they were kind of cool about it they let me make my choice of who i wanna be with, also all the girl things you said it's okay it drama you will be dealing with for a while what i do with drama is just dust it off your shoulder and the more you care about drama the worse it gets just ignore as if it was a decision of gGatoradeor ppower-aiddon't mind them they will eventually go away and then some new ones will come along

  2. Sounds like you and your friends need strong parental intervention to set boundaries.  See what is happening is you and your friends are growing up and starting to experience life.  You are also leaning that we make choices and sometimes the consequences are not to good. And your question is this an OK life???  Sure, you are 12 years old and experiencing the same thing many other 12,13 & 14 year olds are going through.  Try to relax and just let life happen enjoy your life and don't sweat the small stuff.  your friend with Anorexia needs to talk to her parents, she may need professional help.  Good luck  xox

  3. OMG your only a baby and so are your friends, you shouldn't be worried about Boyfriends at your age, and your friend's mother has every right to be overprotective with her, as she's only 11. That's a Child!! Wait until you grow up, then you will see what real h**l is all about. Enjoy your childhood while you can... You only have it once..

  4. Ok i read the whole thing, and i got kind of confused but i'll try to help anyway...

    Everyone can take only so much. For you this might be enough and you feel overwhelmed, but two years ago I was 14, addicted to pills, and out on the streets. Now I'm 16, i drink, smoke weed, and cut too. Not because i want to die, but truly i like it. Anyway, whatever is going on in your life will eventually blow over. Time heals everything. I am so thank full for what i have now, a roof over my head, a full stomach, and a bed to sleep in. Which is basically all i need. But i have more and i can't even describe how thank full i am for that. Your life is not h**l, even though it may feel like that now. Just stop and take a second to think of all that you have. Talk to your friends, ask them how they feel, or if they need to talk. Every one can be helped.

    You can e-mail me if you want, we can talk some more.

  5. well, i think you probably need to find some friends without so much drama in their lives. and be careful around the other friends, as well. the rudeness towards the one girl's parents, plus the other issues, is not a good thing, so that's one thing you'll need to be wary of. 12 years old is still too young for dating and boyfriends, despite what some of your friends are doing. one way or another, I hope you can find some other friends for you and your friend with anorexia, you both deserve decent friends. you basically need to work on one issue at a time, or it will overwhelm you. I used to be the lonely 8th grader at one point in my life, too. Keep up with the music and dance too, some dances are difficult and do take time to learn,I'm an adult now and I'm still learning new dances. Most importantly, find someone you trust you can talk to and get feedback from on a regular basis, I've found we all need someone in our lives we can talk to in a non-judgemental way. Hope this helps, I still remember some of the school stuff and its perfectly normal to have all sorts of stuff going on, but finding someone to talk to is a big help.

  6. it will all be okay.

  7. Everything will be fine. I'm saying this to you because something like this has happened to me. It was temporary, but it was h**l. (And that's not considered swearing because, h**l is a place.) I hated it. I didn't have anyone to say that to me. My best friends turned on me and told me that they hated me. (BTW, I didn't't even do anything, and I'm not lying) But it really changed me. Now I'm scared to do like EVERYTHING. Just because of my supposed to be best friends bad mistakes and decisions, they basically forced me into a place that was dark and scary, where no one could ever go back to normal or feel the same ever again. Your life is not that bad, just try to make some more friends. Don't be afraid to make guy friends I have two.

  8. Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

  9. You sound like a really smart person, so I think that is why you are overanalyzing your life. My advice is to Have fun, do what you want, try to stay out of trouble. If the mess gets too deep find an adult who you like and talk to them It will make you feel beter.

    You are not alone, we are all going through stuff

    Good luck!

  10. Pray for comfort and the spirit of God and repent..

    personal probs belong in friends

  11. You are about 13/14 right?

    Don't worry about boyfriends,

    at this stage they cant take you


    They'll date you but plan nothing else.

    They are too young and too immature!

    I'm 15 and I don't have a boyfriend yet

    either. I see my friends going out and

    I just cant see why? Its not like they're

    gonna stay together until they get old.

    Just chill out- your time will come sooner

    then you think! Life is never perfect,

    that's why you have to do everything to improve

    it. Stay in school, earn good grades, have

    responsible friends that don't get you in trouble and have just fun.

    Then your future will be brighter than ever before just because you tried to improve it :):)

    Good luck :):)

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