
What to do when no one likes you?

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I haven't done anything bad to anyone(even if I did, I'd apologize) , they just hear things about me and decide to hate me.




  1. just have self pride, believe in yourself first. remember, the most important person in the world is YOU, never forget it

  2. thats totally weird b/c i read this and my name is jenna and i was like did i write this?  just find a good friend who doesn't have any drama in her life and doesn't listen to drama.  one good friend is better than a million only kinda friends

  3. Check out the answers to my resolved question. You'll find what you need.;...

    Best answer "I Love Edward" quoted:

    Bu anyways, it's not too late to change the way you are.

    The only thing is, don't be someone you're not. Not just because it's not the real you, but because it kinda wannabe-ish.

    I recommend that you watch the movie Mean Girls. It's all about a girl who doesn't fit in, so decides to be part of the "in" crowd. In the end, she realizes that it's not for her and that it's not worth it.

    Look, if you wanna be part of that crowd, whatever. It may make things easier for yo now, but later on, you'll regret it.

    If you don't wanna see it that way, then think of it this way.

    Very flattering Bryce N said:

    Let the girls say what they say. if you want a better life don't care about what other people think of you. only care about what you think of yourself. that guy does not deserve you if he is afraid to go out with you because your not popularity. I'm sure your beautiful and that's probably why they are making fun of you. jealousy.

    Patricia C. Said:

    First, try to ask people what they think is so wrong about you, and if it really is that you don't feel like you should be respected, then it's time to start loving yourself! Stand in front of a mirror and tell your reflection all the things that make you great! But if it's because people don't like stuff about you, then as long as the stuff is bad, (like being bossy, rude, clingy,) then try to change for the better! And as for that guy, make sure he really likes you, from him. It would be embarrassing to flirt or something with him when he doesn't really like you! Oh, and talk to your "friend" about why she was so mean, and if it's a bad reason, then it wold be best to forget the friendship!

    By the way, I DON'T WANT you to best answer me. Thank them, not me.

  4. rumors are so stupid but just tell people the truth and maybe things will go away but just stay strong and dont let people like that effect you in any way or you'll be in a shell for the rest of your life and talk to someone you can tell all your problems to and that you can trust then you'll start becoming more social and making friends will be easier for you...[good luck and have fun!!!]

  5. you should confront people and ask them where they heard it. and then tell them the truth. that happened to my friend today and now her and the other girl are cool with each other.

  6. Just let them go and wait for a person that can be your friend maybe not all is angry at you and maybe you are not talking to them,try talking to them and maybe you can gain some friend.....hope it works!

  7. just dont do anything act like u never done antyhing and ull be fine

  8. This happens to a lot of people - especially at school. Its hard to hear but it might be a while - like a month - until things blow over (in which I mean they'll get tired of the old gossip and try and get some new gossip). So don't give them any hastle - but stand up for yourself if they are mean to you. If you need to talk you can add me, one of my friends went through the same thing a few years ago so I kind of know what its like.

    Meanwhile though you could try and go to a club or somewhere new to meet new people and gain new friends - that way you won't feel as alone.

  9. Be yourself. People will lie on you, just make sure they are telling lies. Remember: "Bow down to no one but bid them to come up to you." Be important to yourself and find other associates. Watch the people you grin with. A grin exposes you to weakness of nature. Other words know when. If it is not funny, do not laugh, or if they are talking about someone else, leave.  

  10. I can offer you an idea.  It used to be that no one liked me.  I did everything I could think of to show people I was smart, talented, funny, and other stuff, to show them they should like me but it did not work.  Then I discovered the secret of getting people to like me: stop making everything about me, and start making everything about THEM.  Ask them for advice, complement them on their clothes or hair, ask what they'd like the group to do, make them feel important, praise them when they play sports or sing or do things.  Suddenly they'll like being around you because you make them feel good about themselves, and they'll think "you know, you must be a pretty smart and good person if you realize how important I am" and they will like you.

    It worked for me.

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