
What to do when she won't leave?

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This requires thought, scrutiny, and mature advice.

I have a friend (male) who began a romantic relationship a year ago with this woman he thought he could fall in love with. They knew one another for a "brief" period and he asked her to move in. She suffers from Endometriosis and planned a surgery right after she and her daughter settled in to his home. She had the surgery but continues to claim almost a year later that "they" (physician) may have hit the wrong nerve because she just can't move. But she is able to fill her prescriptions and make doctor's appointments and is now receiving a certain dosage of Methadone. She has taken every narcotic prescribed and it is my belief that she has developed an addiction. Nevertheless, she is incoherent 20 hours out of the day--spends very little time with her teen offspring--and sleeps constantly. My friend says their intimate relations ceased soon after she moved in. When she is coherent, she is nasty towards him and all communication has broke down. They sleep in different bedrooms within his house--he has asked her to leave once or twice and she rips into him whenever the subject comes up. Recently he told me he verbally told her she has 60 days to move and he said she looked as if she wanted to 'knock his block off'--she will not even approach the subject.

His state of mind is constantly depressed, he is now beginning to experience health problems and suffers from anemia. He wants her to go on with her life but she ignores him, what can he do?

Mature, constructive advice needed-stat!




  1. If he owns the home he has a problem:

    Because she lives there, her child lives there, and they are RESIDENTS, therefore he will need to get a sherrif or a process server and serve her papers for eviction.  Which will cost a couple of thousand dollars, and about 90 days

    if he is renting he should just move out, and make plans for thie chils

  2. Well iwould say if he is renting that maybe he needs to pack up and leave.  Take his name off the electric bill and such.  If not contact a lawyer and see about having her evicted.

  3. If he is serious with his intent he can have her legally removed from his residence.  

  4. He should contact an attorney to help start the evict process.Here is a web site that might help your or search the web for The Complete Landlording handbook site

    Good luck.

    The first step though is a letter called a notice to quite, telling her he wants her out and send it by certified mail.

  5. He needs to have her legally evicted.

  6. She's going through lots of hormonal issues.  That's no excuse.  He's going to have to take the upper hand by having her evicted.  He can do this legally by going to the Prosecuting Attorney's office and filing for eviction.  It is his home and he has the right to live with whom he wants to.  They will then serve her notice.  He can also state what she will be allowed to take and what she cannot take.  And if he fears that she may do something harmful to him or his belongings than he can have that stated too and they can order a Order of protection  for him.  She sounds un-stable.  good Luck

  7. I am serious here so hang with me. I would make her life so miserable she would literally run from my house and never look back. If I had to I would move out temporarily and have the utilities shut off and I would tell the utility company NOT to restore then til i said. Then i would send a letter to the editor of the local paper and tell the whole story to everyone in town. If that didnt do it i would wait til she goes somewhere, put all her c**p on the front lawn, and change the locks. I would put a sign in the front yard that said please stop and read this message, and I would put fliers in a box and tell the whole story to anyone who would read it. If that didnt do it i would verbally abuse the ignorant freeloading Bi*** til she got enough and left. I have a million more but I think I have gotten my point across. Best wishes to your friend

  8. He needs to exercise his legal rights to have her evicted from his home.  That's why they make laws like protect the innocent.  Have him look into it ASAP to get the ball rolling because it can take a couple of months before the authorities will step in and remove her.

  9. He needs to get professional advice, talk to his GP or her doctor if he knows who it is. If he can get a family member in to witness her habits and behaviour, then all the better.

    He needs to call Social Services because she is not capable of looking after her child and providing necessities of life.

    If he is really, really desperate to get her out then he needs to hand the matters over to the police and tell them that he wants her out.

    I would suggest to go through the practical steps first though before getting to this point

  10. i had endometriosis. then i had my son. you do NOT have surgery with this, its just a procedure and they laser burn the endometrium away. this does not prohibit you from ahving a "life". if the doctor "hit the wrong nerve" well they she needs to "hit up" a GOOD lawyer. sounds like your friend is being taken for a real nice ride.

  11. He can evict her.  It's his home.  Since they have been living together less than a year, there won't be any way for her to claim they're in a common law marriage, even in the most liberal common law states.  The process is a little different in each state, so he'll need to look up the laws.  He'll probably have to serve her with a written notice, giving her a certain number of days (varies by state) to leave.  If she doesn't leave in the prescribed time, he can have her possessions moved outside and have her physically taken out of the home by the police.  He should follow the legal process to a tee.  No need to give her any potential ammunition.  Do a google search on "eviction laws XX", where XX is the state you're in.  You'll be able to find out more specifically what he'll need to do.

  12. It is quite possible this woman is genuinely in severe pain -- regardless, your friend is NOT married to her.  He has every right to tell her to leave.  Her name is not on the mortgage, and probably not on any of the utility bills.  

    Your friend needs to consult with an attorney ASAP.  The longer that woman stays there, the longer his life in h**l will continue.

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