
What to do when someone rejects a gift?

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At my aunt and uncle's retirement party, I gave them a check. They opened it during the party. My uncle walked over to me, handed me back the check and said, "I think you left a couple of zeros off the amount." I was too shocked to say or do anything except write out another check in an amount he deemed "worthwile." What should I have done?




  1. What I would have done was assume that he was joking.  If he continued to press for more money, I would have persisted in treating it as a joke.  With luck, that would have given him time to realize how outrageous his demand was, or for someone else to point it out.

  2. Was party was at their expense? What amount was the check? I believe in today's society any monetary gift would be $100 - minimum. I find it RUDE when cheapos come, eat your food and then have the audacity to give you 20 bucks and think thats generous. Hey, $100 today won't even fill a gas tank on larger vehicles!

  3. I would certainly Not have given Him another check !!! That was so rude of your Uncle to say that.

  4. oh man! i cant believe some ppl even choose their gifts from others ! thats rediculous,u shouldnt have given him another check ,hes rude !

  5. If your uncle had not saved any money for his retirement.

    He should not have retired. Call the bank, and cancel the

    check. It may cost you a fee. But he will get the message.

    When he call's back, and says, the check bounced.

    Tell him, "so can he," for embarrassing you in front of family

    and friends, and he is not "worthwhile. If your worried about

    his will, your probably, not in it, anyway. If he want's "0"s.

    Write him another check. $0,000.01, just for fun. <}:-})

  6. A gift is never suppossed to be demanded, then it becomes a payment rather than a gift. Regardless of the party, you didn't owe them anything. In retrospect, maybe you could have just said " hey, if you've got money like that, maybe you should be writing ME a check!".   I would stop payment on the check. Seriously, send a message. And I wouldn't go to anymore of their parties or hang around them until you get an apology.

  7. That's just not right! It simply isn't done! You shoudln't hve written him another one. I can imagine it was a very awkward situation since he's your uncle and all, but you should have just told him that that's all you can afford, and that's what you're giving them! How ungrateful of him!

  8. Wow...he's got a lot of nerve.  Not knowing the set up for this retirement party ( was giving money the theme of the gift giving procedures?), I'd have to say what he did was rude to the extreme.  I'd have said "Sorry you feel that way Uncle Whoever".  Then I would have taken the check and put it in my purse and enjoyed the rest of the party.  If I was feeling generous later on I might send him a token gift of a camera or something.....but probably

  9. how horrible of him!

    you should have said sorry you do not appreciate that is what i can afford.let´s just give it to the church or donate it to the red cross.give me the check and i will take care of it.

    unbelievably rude

  10. checks and money used for payments. Do you own them any money? if not this's rude. If they did anything good for you in the past, you should show your thankful to them not by paying money,  or not giving them expensive gifts. Just give your love and care that's enough. Retirements make people alone, they need care and love, and this can be done may be just by a phone call to say hi.

  11. Unbelievable! I would say have the check stopped then appologize and tell him you really couldn't afford that much. MY GOODNESS! What does he expect from his niece?

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