
What to do when someone says this to me??!?

by  |  earlier

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I have an anxiety disorder and one of my friends said I should 'stop being so sensitive' and 'im hyper critical' about things.

I find these words hurtful and counterproductive but Im not sure how I can explain this?! Help or advice?

PS: My friend knows me 100% and what i go thru with anxiety so they arent ignorant..




  1. Ignore them and do something you get joy from doing some people have no idea what it is like to have anxiety and have no patience when you have it.

    I have learned over the years people are quick to judge and if you let it get to you it will be worse.

    Go hug a loved one preferably a child they always love you for you.

  2. Call me up and I'll have a go at them for ya mate.

  3. Your "friend" doesn't know you 100%.  a good friend doesn't make you feel bad to make THEMSELF feel better.  Take a break from a person that uses constant criticism.  I will admit if a friend wants you to quit a habit that is bad is a good friend, but someone that inflates their ego to hurt your feelings needs a kick to the curb.  Life is too short to be unhappy.

  4. I suffer from severe anxiety.  I explain I'm not mental it is a disorder.  If they can't believe you, tell them to get, webmd

  5. You say this is your friend and that they're not ignorant, and yet they still say things like that?

    Tell your friend exactly what you're writing here: what they're saying is hurtful and counterproductive. If they still don't listen, they're obviously not being very understanding or a very good friend. Explain that to them, too.

    I hate to say it, but if after all that, they continue saying stuff like that, you need to find a different friend. A true friend would NEVER stuff like that, especially after you asked not to, and it's not something you need in your life.

    I have anxiety disorder, too, so I know what you're going through.


    i do not think so, if they were your friend, they would understand your disoder and help you. rather than just ignore it.

    a true friend stands by you no matter what!!

    if it hurts you, then dump the motherf*cker (no offence).


  7. Let your friend know that you find his comments upsetting, however you will try to keep it in mind when talking with him in future.

    Perhaps you should see if CBT will help you gain the other skills necessary to handle your anxiety.

  8. Tell them to stop hurting your feelings. If they are a good friend, they should know by now that some things will set you off.

    Tell them, that when they say these things, you are offended & it upsets you.

    Some people are a little thick  upstairs. My Nan still tells me to get over things, after 10 years of Bipolar. Mind you she has sat with me plenty of times, and been told plenty of times that telling me *To get over it* will send me into a Manic state. I love her dearly, but she does annoy me sometimes.

    Some times, you just have to be blunt my dear. No matter how good of a friend they are, or how close of a family member they are. Sometimes people don't get it, unless you spell it out letter by letter.

    Good Luck


  9. i can relate 2 ur prob. me 2 is very sensitive... but i think 8 do no good 2 me... 8 makes me 2 weak.. try 2 think and think deep... how could they say that... ask 'em and talk 2 'em whats the matter.. f uv done something wrong... but if yah think uve done the ryt one then.. just take 8 slight.. (so what!... (who were they by the way) do something great...frends i mean real frends correct us if were wrong bcos they care 4 us the way we care 2 the 0ne we cared 2... 9hope this will help) think positive frend!...

  10. I have been told this, a hundred times, myself, because I suffer anxiety, and I find myself questioning my reactions, and thinking, I must try to be like other people, I must try to react more, like other people react. The truth is, other people seem to have worse coping skills when it comes to major life events, everyone reacts in their own way. Have a read of "The Highly Sensitive Person" by Elaine N. Aron. This explains what sensitivity is, and how it can cause anxiety. Then, try to make up your own mind, about what may be causing your feelings.  

  11. Don't worry about it.

  12. You should distance yourself from your friend.  If they know what's going on and they keep doing it, then they don't care about you enough.

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