
What to do when the dreams come for you.?

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I have these daydreams about songs, or tv shows. The next day the song or TV episode I 'dreamed' about is almost always on. I have no idea what this means. It's been happening for a while, but is unpredictable. It only happens when I don't think about it. It's creeping me out. I tried to track it but can't. I had one this morning- I was randomly singing a song from Willy Wonka. I flicked the channel button and Willy Wonka's on, the same song playing. But what's creepy is, the channel guide said it was supposed to be the Sound of Music. Maybe the channel guide was wrong? I don't know what this is, but I'm not 100% sure it's normal.




  1. Chew them up with cool whip.

  2. OMG!! stuff like that happens to me all the time too! I don't worry about it though, I just smile and move along =)  ...i think it's weird how it only happens when you don't think about it though  

  3. -The day you dream about the lotto jackpot numbers,give me a call @ 786-486-1102 and let me know....

  4. you might be schizophrenic  

  5. Precognitive dreaming is when you dream something and then it comes true. Dreams aren't always crystal clear, so you might dream something related to something that later happens without it being the exact thing.

    But your Willy Wonka example was from your daydreaming or singing while you were awake, you said. That can be precognition, where part of you recognizes something will happen and clues you in by turning your thoughts to that thing or putting a tune in your mind. But real precognition is knowing the thing you're thinking about it going to happen.

    Of course many people refuse to believe in psychic powers like precognition - even though almost everyone has precognitive experiences now and then.

    Why not try to see if you can develop your skill? Every morning before school, try to predict what someone will be wearing that day (a cute boy, a friend, a teacher). Keep trying this for a few weeks and see if you get better at it. Or sit and clear your mind, then kind of silently "ask" or "look" to see if something will happen.

    See if you can find a book in your school library on ESP.

  6. I think it's cool to as long as it's nothing harmful you should take it to full advantage if it's harmful or anything else seek some help or talk to someone who understands and has been through the same thing.

  7. i think its real close to Déjà vu  

    check out the link below

  8. u must tell n one about ur powers visit my website and tell me more

  9. dreams come to us because they are trying to tell us something. it also seems that you are very tuned in you are very preseptive and there is nothing weird about that, just except it. i tend to be pretty tuned in at times as well, for me its nothing new and nothing weird.

    if it helps, try to get to a spiritualist , a medium, a good one, may that person can put you at ease by explaining a few things and maybe help you out.

    so don't worry to much about it. its nothing bad

    take it easy mate

    take care

  10. Actually, I get those too. I'm serious. It always kind of weirded me out. It usually happens with TV shows for me...I'll suddenly be thinking of an episode of one of my favorite shows, and then when I tune in to watch it, it's the episode I was thinking of. I think it's a cool and strange ability! ;)

    (And clearly dribblemaster has no idea what Schizophrenia is, otherwise he wouldn't have said that you might be Schizophrenic!)

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