
What to do when treated badly at work?

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I was at work like any day and it was unusually cold. I was shivering, since it was summer I didn't bring a sweater that I was allowed to wear at work. I remember my supervisor say that I could wear a sweater off the rack, as long as I took it off before leaving the store.

My Manger saw me wear the sweater and asked what I was doing and I told her that my supervisor said it was ok. She said that I wasn't allowed to do that. So I went to get my pink sweater and wore that (leaving it unzipped so you could see my uniform. My manger came back and asked if she could have a word with me. She told me that I was not allowed to wear my pink sweater (even though it was freezing cold) and that I should blame other. Her tone of voice was very rude and she almost made me cry I was treated was no respect. What should I do should I confront her to talk to a manger higher up? Am I being too sensitive? Please help me




  1. make them feel annoyed tell your boss

  2. as soon as you said you were uncomfortable and they ignored you, they were violating labor laws.

    if you feel that you were treated unfairly, talk to someone about it soon. but make sure you dont look silly for complaining about being cold. be sure to back up your case, say that it was affecting your work, and that now your manager makes you uncomfortable because of the way she handled the situation. which is what that boils down to. and whoever told you to wear a sweater off the rack is an idiot. i dont even work at a clothing store and i know

  3. quit I mean s***w them your to good for them , trust me I know how u feel.

  4. Reads to me like you're a clothing retail worker, so it goes without being said that no amount of experience or competence will ever truly reduce how expendable you are to the company you work for.  Below is a link to a career article on Yahoo! Hotjobs that should be able to offer you some assistance and insights on this issue that you're having with your current manager.  The hotjobs section of the website as a whole maybe a worthwhile tool for you in the future should you begin to find that this current employment situation of yours less than appealing as time goes on.  Best of luck to you.

  5. you should have just dealt with the cold for this day until your shift was over and then remembered next time to bring a sweater that you're allowed to wear!

    BUT me being me im always cool with my supervisors and managers to the point where they know because im SUCH an AWES0ME worker that wearing that jacket for that day wouldn't have killed them...sometimes you have to show managers how good of a worker you are for them to give you leiway....

    i work at Gilly Hicks [Abercrombie Company] and they don't allow HALF of the stuff i do and wear, but the managers allow me to do them because they know im going to do my job and more...they know that if they ***** at me alot and cause me to quit that they won't have another worker as good as iam so they basically let me get away with alot of things.... see how that works?!

    sometimes you just have to prove yourself.

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