
What to do when you're just not feeling "right"?

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Everything in my life is wonderful at the moment (family, money, health etc) and has been for a while, but....I just feel really out of sorts. Why? and how do I get past it?




  1. I listen to music, with lyrics i can relate to; it helps to remind me i'm not alone.Also writing out what's going on and how i feel helps too..

  2. Watch a REALLY good movie that will help you appreciate what you DO have. That is not to say that you don't already but I know when I see a movie like "Shall We Dance?" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez, that is what I think of and I get a good feeling about the life that I DO have.

  3. Give back to your community. Volunteer. Give to charity.Volunteer some more. Your mind is so consumed with yourself (absolutely no offense) that your not thinking of others. Once you help out others in need you'll see how great your life truly is!

  4. You probably need something new and interesting to happen in your life. Or maybe, you just need a way to express your emotions thoroughly. It could be a number of things, but I'd have to say go on a vacation or a road trip or whatever, or keep a journal or a blog to document how you feel.

  5. It's only because you are not consumed with difficulties.  Now is the time to start a hobby!!!!!

  6. Just keep typing and it will pass. Some days are like that. Some not so bad and some worse than others. Just pass the time and wait your turn to get phased out.

  7. well if your a teen you just going through puberty and you have hormones jumping around. its makeing you think way too much about everything and that can cause you to feel wierd. don't worry EVERYONE feels this way during there teens and you find ways to get over it.

  8. Crank up your favorite rock tunes...

  9. I have the same sort of problem except that everything that can go wrong in my life does and has been for several years now.

    I take St Johns Wort. It helps with anxiety and stress and it's completely natural. When it gets really bad I do some housework, listen to music (you may be amazed at how great classical music is for this. Try Vivaldi's Four Seasons and Flute concertos), and anything else to keep myself occupied or anything that's just for me. (tv, movie, books, tasty snack, etc)

    Exercise is also good for shaking off this sort of feeling. Go for a walk to clear your head, clear everyone out of the house and dance around to your favorite tunes in your undies. (This one works wonders!)

    Good Luck!

  10. seems to me that it all cant be "wonderful" if somthing is out of sorts,unless maybe you have a little depression,,,,remember depression doesnt always have an underlying reason sometimes it just shows up..

  11. You're probably feeling bored with your life.

    What you need to do is go on an adventure and not necessarily a relaxing vacation, somewhere to explore and try new things.

    I'm guessing if you say that you don't have any money problems, then going on an adventure should be no problem.

    It's always good to find some new friends too and hang out.

    I know how you feel. Trust me, this will go away with a little effort.

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