
What to do when you are facing huge odds?

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I look forward most to atheists answering.




  1. I don't worry because I remind myself that God will provide what I need at every moment and after that I can become care free.  He always come through for me.

  2. push 'all-in', to get people to fold

  3. it depends what you mean by odds. if the alleged "huge odds" are in reference to the existance of god, the atheist perspective is that it's not a huge odd, in fact one could argue that there is no proof towards the existance of god, just an individual's personal faith, but no proof.

  4. Create my own odds.

  5. Simple: hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

    From the atheists perspective, the idea of "gods" and/or "atheism" is not even considered when answering the question.

  6. Remember that anything is possible, even if it is improbable.

  7. Try your hardest and if you fail, learn from it and try again.

  8. Your best bet is to focus on how to get the most out of the situation as you can and acknowledge that not everything can always work in your favor. And I'd have to agree with you in that no higher being is going to make things better, thats just nonsense talking.

  9. Look for alternatives.  Consider throwing in the towel.  Ask does this really have to be done?  Can it wait?  Can compromise be made?  Lots of things to consider before going into a situation against incredible odds.  If you're forced, prepare for the worst, kiss mommy goodbye if you need to, and plow through giving it your best effort.

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