
What to do when you feel like ending it all with suicide?

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Hows does one deal with feelings of wanting to commit suicide?when you have the sensation of just taking a gun and shooting yourself?when you feel just hopeless because you have been battling with depression for most of your have been to over 25 therapists and see no improvements,when you have tried medications and they give you more side effects than help.When you feel alone and isolated from the world because no one seems to understand you.What do you do when you just want to end it all this minute and are just waiting to get your hands on a gun to just end it all as soon as possible




  1. I've been thrue experiences like these and I know how it feels. The best thing to do is talk to someone you really trust. It'll make you feel better. And please, please, PLEASE don't kill yourself!

  2. personally, I go to sleep. I'm being serious. I've dealt with clinical depression all my life, and when I'm feeling and thinking suicidal, it's really a lot more work than I want to do in that state, so I go to sleep. Try thinking about everything you'd have to do to actually do it, and see if it isn't an overwhelming lot of work.

    See a doctor, or counselor -- it's a lot easier and it's a more effective way of getting out of the black box with clouds all around it.

  3. you need to tell someone - anyone - the more people the better because you will be less likely to go through with it. Think of the people you will leave behind to pick up the pieces if they even can. If you have a family (mom and dad etc) i  know for a fact that they will NEVER be able to get over this ordeal and will be traumatised until the day they will die not being able to function properly on a day to day basis, always being reminded of their loss and unable to confront what happened to you. Ultimately, no matter what you are going through ending your life is not the answer because it is NOT YOUR LIFE TO END. Do you think you have full control over your life? Well tell me this, can you stop growing old? The answer is no. Our body is a vessel and we just dwell inside and the body is governed by forces we do not comprehend as human beings as our minds are not that high functioning.  You need to think of the bigger picture. If you have to do something radical instead - maybe move to a different location - possibly another country. Travel, write down your feelings and keep a daily journal which oneday you can transcribe into a novel to help others in your situation. Think of other more worse off people like in the third world who have no arms or legs, who are orphans, who have been brutally sodomized from birth, who have been repeatedly raped and beaten. THEY carry on with life and do not feel sorry for themselves. If you want to kill yourself that means that there is something there to kill therefore can be remedied. talk to someone first and talk to the victims/family members of people who have lost people to suicide. You'll change your mind, believe me. Joe.

  4. Change every part of you life around, get a different job, leave the area, make new friends, do something different, get a new hobby, go for long bike rides, do anything that will take your mind off the feeling of suicide, after all thats only a way out. best still, go visit the terminally ill in the hospice, those people really DONT ever want to die, they want to live, you sound like you want the opposite.Come on, its only yourself that can help you. Think about it.

  5. The best thing really is to talk, let everything thing out, words as well as emotions. Therapy isn't right for everyone I guess, maybe you could try to confide in someone you are close to or trust. No one wants to see you get hurt, death is simply never the answer.

    You need to remember that whatever you are going through is never enough reason why you shuold give your life away. There are people who care about you, friends and family, imagine how you would hurt them if you took your life. When someone takes there life it hurts more then just themselves it hurts a whole community. Whatever you are going through is never enough to hurt someone else.

    I personally find keeping a journal to be a great way to relieve stress, but it could be different for you. Do something you enjoy doing, something that lets you relieve stress and express those not so happy feelings. Like painting or photography.

    Studies have shown that excersise greatly increases how happy you are. These chemicals are sent to your brain and stimulate the nerves and I'm not an expert on this but they make you allot happier. Try going out for a jog every morning or get involved with a local sports team. Squash might also be a good game to play, it gets you moving and you can get to basically kill the little ball against the wall. If excersise isn't for you, chocolate also has similar effects.

    A huge portion of how you feel emotionally is effected by what you eat. You could be either be eating some things that really aren't good for you or simply really just bored with what your eating. Try different things and eat lots of fresh fruit and even broccoli (ick!) which are all really good for you.

    If you are unhappy with yourself physically or mentally you could try setting goals for yourself. Start with simple goals that you know you can complete if you really tryed, like going to see a sports team you've loved since you were little. Basically just start doing things for you.

    Ive found a optamistic outlook on life can really pick you up each day. When you stop and think, you can always find a good reason for something that happened. When someone bumps into the back of your car and dents the bumper dont think "@!*& now I have to buy a new bumper!!!". Change your way of thinking; "That was close, the car could have been going alot faster, Im safe and thats what really matters."

    I hate how adults always say that they miss their care free years of their childhood. Being able to laugh and smile at the simple things in life is something anyone can do. Just let everything out. Laugh at yourself when you do something stupid, smile every morning when you wake up. (also getting alot of sleep does help too.)

    If your unsatified with your social life, go out and meet some new people. Choose something that interests you and considering theres billions of people in the world you will probably find someone who shares so many things in common with you. Just open your eyes and allow the world to show you all the possibilitys.

    Im not religious so dont think Im trying to convert you or anything, but have you tryed religion?

    Im have no clue as to why your depressed so I hope at least one of those ideas helps you. But the most important thing to do when your feeling sucidal is to talk to someone. Theres always someone who is there to listen, theres always going to be someone who cares. Like if its any help I even care about you (look how much a wrote =O).  

    If Ive learnt anything in my life though short as its been, it would be  accept and learn from your past, because whats done is done and theres no going back. You are who you are today and enjoy the simple pleasures that are around you now. Grasp onto these momments and with them you can grow to be whoever and whatever you wish to be tomorrow.  

    Dont forget theres always someone who cares! A smile is a beautiful thing so never forget how!

  6. Don't wait for change to come to you,

    or for others to change your life for you...

    You're the only one who can change your

    thoughts, ideas, and beliefs

    which drive the experiences of your life.

    I hope you realize that people love you. if you need someone, im here :]

  7. please dont kill yourself

  8. i think about god and how things will get better even though it doesnt seem like it rite now

    trust me things get better in time but please dnt commit suicide

  9. dont do's not that bad...

  10. There isnt a whole lot you can do.  I struggle with the same thing.  Some days it mellows out, and some days (like yesterday) its so strong. I used to talk to people, but overtime my friend count has diminished and Im left with nobody.  I cant go to therapist because I dont have insurance, or money to pay for it.  If you want to talk to me, you can email me at

  11. It must be hard but dont give up.  

  12. You want to NOT find a gun, for sure...not right away, at least!

    You can pick up a  phone and call for help, like a hotline, and someone will be there.  There are all sorts of people who are just waiting to help you, but you have to make the effort to find them.  That is part of the process...self-help.  

    Right now, call a family member or a friend and talk.  Just talk.  Even if you talk to yourself.  Go for a walk.  Think positive thoughts.  You can do this, you really can.

    Life is not easy; noone ever said it was...but whatever it is that is bothering you WILL pass.

    Call someone.  Now.

  13. try to talk someone

    but i nver do

    so i just cry by myself and express my own feelings to my own self

    but after crying , u may feel dizzy lol

    when i cry too much , i feel soo dizzy

  14. talk

  15. whenever I feel depressed or sad just think of something that you have to look forward too. Ik it doesn't sound like much but it has saved my life many times. Also think of how it would hurt those around you. Sucide is a very selfish act and there are better ways to die. PLEASE don't kill yourself.... please!

  16. occupy your self with only the things that make you happy let go of the world in a book exercise it releases good feelings in your brain pig out on a cake watch funny movies go to the mall. and most of all NEVER GIVE UP. you are someones hero and you probably don't even know it. it helps to talk to complete strangers=]

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