
What to do when you first get a hamster?

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What to do when you first get a hamster?




  1. You should have set the cage up before you got him.  When you take him home, put him in his cage and let him explore it.  Leave him alone for a while as he settles into his new home.

  2. I am not a hampster expert but I don't understand why you are asking that question. All you have to do is feed it and clean its cage. It's not rocket science! I hope that helped!

  3. tie a plastic bag to it and throw it off your roof :)

  4. When you first get a hamster, you put it in the cage you got for it and leave it alone for about a day or so. Maybe put something in there that has your scent on it so it could get use to it.

    After it seems more use to its surrounding, stick your hand in and let it sniff it if it wants to. Stick some food beside your hand and let it eat it. Eventually just hold some food in your hand and let him eat it. Then just leave your hand in there for a while and it'll climb up on it on its own.

    Anyway, thats what mines done.

  5. Let him loose in your house so he can get used to it.

  6. u should wash the cage if u used the cage before so it doesnt get sick put some bedding in the cage and put food in the food bowl on get fresh water in the water bottle and after that put a few toys in the cage and then put the hampster in the cage and just leave it alone for a while so it can get used to the cage and u can watch it. WARNING!!! hampsters r very active at night and sleep during the day so if u keep ur hampster in ur bedroom at night u might want to take out the wheel because when i left the wheel in there at night it was sooooooo noisy i couldnt even sleep. i hope this works and good luck!!!!!!!

  7. Put it in a hamster cage with that hay-like hamster bedding.

    Then give it some hamster food and fill up the waterbottle that came with the cage.

    You should let it get settled into it's cage.

    Then, if you want, hold it or put it in a hamster ball.

    Um, that's pretty much all you do with a hamster.

    Maybe give it one of those things they like to chew on.

  8. Well before getting your hamster make sure that everything is set up before you bring him home to reduce the stress on him.  For the first night watch him from a distance to reduce stress and let him settle in.  For the next few days increase being with him. Let him get used to your smell and  your voice. Also handle him frequently during this time to get him familiar with you.  In a few days he will be completely settled in.

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