
What to do when you get hurt in a retail store

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I got hurt in a retail store, went to the emergency room, what is next?




  1. A First-aider will normally check you over, possibly a trip to the hospital if injured, but aseeing as you can take time out to post this question, then you are obviously not injured!!!! ha,ha, only joking

    Ahhh, this was a previous incident and you are looking for some form of compensation?

    did you go to hospital?

    were you hurt?

    did you see your own doctor?

    are/were you off work?

    did you suffer any financial loss as a direct result of said accident?

    if yes to all/any of above I would suggest contacting your solicitor, DO NOT GO TO NO WIN NO FEE type firms.

    if no to any above, probably not worth bothering about, and better forgetting it happened.

  2. Litigation...

  3. A.  Contact the corporate office and let them know about the incident.  See what they offer,,,they should def pay for your emergency bill.  Unless you were doing something that caused your accident and it wasn't their fault.

    B.  Call a Lawyer

  4. Depends on the nature of the injury, why it happened, and whether it could have happened to anyone.

    If you just went to the emergency room but didn't need stitches, a bone reset, an organ stuffed back in to your abdomen, or you weren't taken there in an ambulance, just having gone there doesn't give any measure of the nature or extent of the injury.

    Call a personal injury lawyer to see if they think you have a claim or whether it's even worth pursuing. Big companies don't settle as easily as they used to, so be prepared for a long fight, especially if you can't prove that you suffered much harm (physical, financial, and quality-of-life). You'll need witnesses to prove that you were indeed hurt at the store, your employment records showing you've had to miss x-number of days of work, it goes on and on.

  5. You need to let the manager of the store know right away.

  6. I am assuming the store manager was alerted when you were hurt?  I would contact him/her next as to you bills.  Go over his/her head if necessary.  

  7. u could sue them

  8. Talk to HR and say you want to settle out of court and see how much there willing to settle for, then double up and tell them if not, their wasting your time and your getting a lawyer.  

  9. if there was a breach in their duty of care you ahve a right for compensation.for example if there was water on the floor and nothing had been done to clean it or make people aware this is a breach in care.

  10. Get your emergency room records and then contact the store to find out how you can be compensated.  You are going to have to prove too that your injuries happened in their store.  Did you report it to the store management when it happened so that there is a record of it occurring?

  11. Souix (sue) City Souix (sue).

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