
What to do when you just don't have enough $ to pay the bills??

by  |  earlier

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So this month is really tight for us. My husband is out of work and I work on commission, and last month (which I get paid for this month) was just not a good month. I know next month is going to be way better though. Even with cutting out all necessities and spending hardly any on gas and food, I still think I'm going to be short for bill money. What do people do in this situation? I have nobody I can borrow money from and don't want to use credit cards because that only makes things worse down the road, and we really don't have anything worth selling on ebay or craigslist, which would probably take too long anyway.

So what would YOU do?




  1. Are there any of the bills that you could pay half the payment? (electric bill,phone bill)  Then you could make sure that the ones that have no choice but to be paid in full are paid.  As for shopping for food buy cheap stuff that goes along way.  Like pasta with sauce, (no meat in it) no junk food etc....

    I agree with you about charging or borrowing the money it only makes things worse.

  2. i would say take out a loan on the house but then the governmentt could put you out onto the street but your financial spending has to be top notch ughm probably find a second job or work on yards or babysitt you can be a nanny

  3. There are many government assistance programs that help people in emergency situations, like food stamps, home energy assistance, and many more.  You can still work and receive help as long as you meet the income guidelines. That way the money you would normally spend on food or gas and electricity can go to other things like rent or car payments etc.

  4. 1.  Find another way to make a little extra cash.  Babysitting, mowing the lawns in your neighborhood, check out pawn shops.  They can offer "loans" on some items for short periods of time.  Also, if you don't mind needles, look at doing plasma donations.

    2.  Send a payment to everyone this month, but maybe a little "less" than what is owed so that "all the bills" get some sort of payment.

    -- Most companies will work with you if you contact them and say, "I can't pay my 'normal payment' this month, but I will be sending in X amount this month".

  5. You said that you don't have enough cash to pay bills, right?

    Temporary pending bill payment/pay minimum amount, meanwhile you try 2 get job with fixed salary/ increase ur sales, and ask ur hubby 2 find job, even S$1000/ mth does really help you.Don't borrow personal loan, the interest rate will kill u and give u another problems.

    Good luck

  6. Depending on what it is that you will be missing ... call and say you'll be late.

    For example Electric bills will just keep piling up until you pay them. The electricity wont get shut off just because you miss a month or two...TRUST ME on that one :). Call and say you dont have all the money right now. Its a good idea to at least put some toward it. Like half or even a quarter but if you cant just call and tell them...or dont even call just pay next month. Same with Gas. Im not sure about water I've never had to pay it (idk if you do or not). Pay things that are NECESARRY like a cell/home phone bill ... you dont want those to get shut off and those bills usually arent that bad. Also rent. If you own a home obviously you dont pay rent. If you do and you really cannot afford it that is def something you need to call your landlord about. If you do have it that def needs to be paid before anything else!!! good luck!!

  7. Check on a personal line of credit at a bank.  

  8. hello - see if either of you can pick up some cash - washing cars, mowing lawns, babysitting, if your husband is handy maybe he can put a sign up at the local supermarket etc.  you are right not to use credit cards, see if you can get a personal loan at your bank, you never know.  hang in there and good luck -

  9. I'd start stripping.

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