
What to do when you want to start your s*x life but your parents want you to remain a virgin till you marry?

by  |  earlier

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We all know parents are like that (well not all but the majority) and for me it's kind of stressfull.It's about what I want and what they want fighting.The thing is that I don't want to end up at a doctor checking my virginity then loosing all their trust and the most important loosing my bf,but I dont want to hold myself from what I want also,afterall it's my life,no?I love my parents but I just can't get to a mutual solution so please :D help!




  1. well, i think the best way is to wait a little more, this way, not only u can get what u want, but also u can still have the trust of your bf

    and a doc can easily find out wether your still a virgin or not, in less than 10 seconds, so be careful, cause that way, your gonna lose everyone,

    cause when your parents find out out that, then they think that your bf has had s*x with u and that's the result of that, so , they wont let your bf to see u anymore because they think he's the one to be blamed

    so wait a bit more till u get married and then have it as much as u want

    good luck

  2. If you are under age and your parents are paying the bills they have certain rights as to what they feel is your well being.don't be in too big a hurry to grow up it comes in its own time.

  3. You do what they tell you.

  4. A doctor cannot "check" your virginity.

    All parents want their kids to wait, but it's just not the way of the world, honestly.

    Just be wise and use protection. Be responsible and make good decisions.

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