
What to do when your 30 single male no kids,veteran, and no direction?

by  |  earlier

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I turned 30 ( I could just cry) i have no direction i feel like i am at that immediate point where i have to decide like now you know? easier said; I don't even know what i like.




  1. grab a beer and think about your options

  2. Something tells me you sacrified more than your realize as a veteran. (thank you for your service BTW).  You could be experiencing some post traumatic stress syndrome. If possible, you could use some therapy. Talking would help you discover who you are and what you want.  

  3. There's no time to cry.  Figure out

    your likes and dislikes.  Where do

    you want to be in five years? Ten?

    What are you passionate about,

    and go from there.  Your direction

    will become clear.  

  4. yeah that happend to me at 26 but i'm a girl!

    did i make the right choices so far bla bla bla bla bla!

    if you don't know what you like then it will be hard!

    sounds like you need to take some time for yourself ALONE and do some soul searching!  no one can tell you what to do with your life!  well they can but bottom line it's up to you to do it and when someone tells you what to do and you get to a hard part it's easier to cop out and not finish it! 'lol at least that was my deal!

    if i made the choice then i had to stick with it so i wouldn't let my self down!

    wow that was a joke!

    look i went to this site called i'm not linking it because if you want to help yourself then you'll copy and paste it!

    this site is a text based site that will help you with just about anything you incounter with in yourself!

    it's a lot of questions you ask yourself and stuff like that!

    also what are your morals? are they close to your goals?

    if you have a really hard time another suggestion is start small!

    pick a goal for today!!  3 goals in 3 different roles you play in your life!

    dude your still YOUNG!  

    the past is gone in a blink of an eye your current time flyies by and goes very slow but the future wow anything can happen!

    Best of luck!  

    sorry i gave in! :)

  5. Take spiritual life. You will find a reason for your existence.

  6. Break it down into steps.  Make lists of goals.  first list the goals for the day.  Three or so.  Stuff like make the bed, do the laundry, pay a bill.  second list goals for the week.  Grocery shop, tidy up your place, contact a friend or two to see how they are doing.  List three is for the month.  Wash the car, look into a new job,(start writing a resume) get a haircut.

    List four, what your goals are for the year.  New job, new/improved relationship, better body-go to gym or walk more.

    List five Five years from now.  goals for job, relationship, education.  But take tiny steps at first.  You sound depressed and overwhelmed.

  7. How about a job in the military?

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