
What to do when your Ex-boyfriend's BEST friends are constantly trying to sleep with you?

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I dated this guy for about a year and half. When we were dating he used to always bring me around his friends and we would all hang out. He called them his "brothers" and said he trusted them and they were so close. He would often leave a convo with me, to go and converse with them or whatever and seemed to always be AROUND THEM. Well, during the relationship, I would always get "hit on" and "complimented" by his best friends (a group of 5 guys). These weren't the average compliments, I mean they would say things like "If I had her as a girl friend, I would totally (blank) her" and they would come and whisper things behind his back like "we should hook up". I mean really obnoxious things were said to me and also IN HIS presence. He would always LAUGH and say that it WASNT a big deal and they were just admiring me or complimenting me...yeah right!! Well, I was always skeptical of all his friends and stopped being around them..until I just couldnt take it any more and we recently broke up because of it and (bc of that and other things).

NOw check this out. Im getting CALLS from his friends and emails like im a d**n call center. I kid you not!!! Being vulgar and at all times of the day. And I did NOT give out my number. One guy said he got if off of facebook and the other broke into my ex's phone. I am being harassed by these morons and I just want to be left alone. I even IM'd my ex to tell him to TELL his friends to STOP and he said "I should LEAVE him alone and keep him out of it"..

What horrible friends he has, and whats your advice and or thoughts on this. This is ridiculous.

I am getting text messages saying NASTY things like "I want to sleep with you"

I got an email that said "I would like to have s*x with you"...just yesterday

One said that "He only wants to have s*x and nothing more"




  1. If you havent already told them repeatedly where to shove it, then s***w with them right back. Arrange to hook up someplace and then dont show up and have yourself a good laugh. Usually a nice slap in the face like that is enough to turn a guy off.

    If you have already told them to go have s*x with themselves, threaten to file a report with the cops. If they still dont stop, then go and actually do it, just to have it on record. Theres no reason for you to keep putting up with it.

  2. This sounds like serious harassment problems. It also sounds like your EX is an inconsiderate prick. I feel for you and I would take any evidence you have to the cops. It will only get worse if you continue to let them think that they can do what they are doing. Are you in high school? My first thought is silly, immature, over-confident little boys.

  3. call the cops..........

  4. sounds like u've tried everything, but...telling ur parents, calling the cops, and threatening ur ex.

  5. How sad that he thought it was ok. I used to have some issues in the same realm.......Its a good thing you broke up with him, perhaps someday he will figure out that they really aren't his friends.

    On the other hand....if they are cute, maybe they are all up for it. I hear six rugby players will earn you title of Queen!

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