
What to do when your bored at school?

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What to do when your bored at school?




  1. if i can get on a computer. i go onto myspace, or here(yahoo answers). if its in a class where theres no computers.

    i sleep, i doodle, i zone out. i ask to go to th bathroom and just roam the hallways for a bit. i complain to the teacher that they are boring. i talk to ppl. i text in almost every class. even though cell phones are banned. ha

  2. sleep

  3. If your teacher ever asks : Any questions or blah blah blah...Ask him/her: Can i leave?

    It works for me

  4. Ask your teacher for extra work or an extra project.

    Get involved in extra classes.

    Join choir or a sport.

    Offer to help a student who is "slower" at learning... like being a tutor.

  5. yeah, i'm bored every class, every day. you need to do your own thing. ipod, internet, yahoo answers, youtube if it's unblocked (if it is blocked, use a proxy to get around) ... comp games, or just sleep. do homework in boring classes so you dont have to waste time isn't about education anymore, it's about surviving the day until you get home, where you can actually have a life.

  6. Do pen tricks

  7. I used to stare out the window or draw but I had terrible grades...

  8. pass notes



  9. *Pass notes to my friends


    *Text friends

    *And....that's it (:

  10. Like high school?

    When I was bored in high school I used to do lots of things.

    1.) Do my homework from other classes (I never did it at home)

    2.) Read a book that's assigned from another class.

    3.) Talk... a lot

    4.) Go talk to the teacher but only if it was a teacher who was down to earth with students.

  11. I get on yahoo answers lol

  12. Do my homework from other classes.

  13. Gee I don't know, why don't you STUDY.

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