
What to do when your dad hates your boyfriend?

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i've been dating my boyfriend for 2 weeks and i never kiss him in front of my parents, i got into a fight with my friend over him and she called me a w***e, my dad saw us kissing on the porch once and said "now i see why she called you a w***e" and i feel really bad about it and i thought about breaking up with him but hes depressed and stuff and one night he almost over dosed because i got mad at him, anyway i don't want to break up with him but i'm still confused on what to do

i feel like my dad hates me mostly

so what do i do?




  1. I really don't have an answer for this but I went through the same problem. My dad hated my boyfriend, who's now my husband, for a very long time. They get along better now but there's still that tension. It drives me crazy. I understand what you must be going through. It made me feel like I had to choose between my dad and Chris. I couldn't have both. My dad got over it though. Hopefully yours will too.  

  2. honey, your dad does not hate you. You know dads, how they just want to protect you and dads want to give you everything that you want. If you and your boyfriend have been kissing on the porch then I think your dad just doesn't feel safe with this boy going out with you. Its perfectly normal for dads to feel this way.  I honestly don't know what to tell you to do but do what your heart tells you to do. You have a life now, but do listen to your parents cause they always want the best for you. 8) cheer up?!

  3. Your dad is very wrong  by calling his own daughter a w***e just because you were caught kissing your boyfriend. Does he remember when he was young on the other side of the coin, getting kissed by a girl. As a father of 3 daughter I say if this boy is good to you and you care for him, then stay together because your doing nothing wrong.

  4. seek help for your boyfriend first, then let him down gently...

    only 2 weeks and all that drama?  doesn't seem worth it to me.

    If you feel as if your dad hates you, then any boyfriend you choose he may not like.

    My dad hates my husband, and that is why I am 1000 miles away from my dad.. good luck.

  5. You're dad doesn't hate you. But hearing your description of your boyfriend, he's not someone you should be around. he's not stable and you will not be able to fix him. Try to get him help. But remember, he'll probably leave, but your dad will always be there for you.

    Plus, if he almost OD'd because you got mad at him and you've only dated for two weeks, that's how the rest of your relationship will go.

    Get out of that relationship.

    Kissing does not make you a w***e, but maybe you should ask your dad why he said that, he may have seen something you don't realize.

  6. Get another boyfriend

    If he almost overdosed after dating 2weeks   then he has serious your parents... run... dont walk away from this person

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