
What to do when your in love but but don't know to tell the person you love him?

by  |  earlier

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I like this person but he only see me as a friend.




  1. you can ask him indirectly by asking how do you feel about me?how would you feel if I became your lover for real? how would you feel if I fall in love with you? by asking that it would make you look better than asking straight out " I like you want to be my boyfriend?" and even if he rejects you it wouldn't be so bad because only asked if if if.

  2. well give it time and see what happens in the time all u have to do is keep in touch with him and maybe something good will happen of it =] =] =]

  3. are you sure?  if he hasn't actually said as much, then tell him how you feel before it is too late.  if you know that to be true, then just be happy with what you have.  it's better to be friends than nothing, right?

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