
What to do when your path crosses with a bear?

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I have heard many things such as lay in the fetal position, run, climb a tree (that seems silly as I have seen many bears climb trees), make as much noise as you can to make yourself appear larger and more fierce........which is it? Back in Juneau when there was a bear we would just back away or walk very slowly to safety. But that was usually in our back yard- our door was only a few feet away. Out in the wild, what will give you a better chance of survival when confronted by a bear?




  1. Oh gosh... RUN FAST... lol

    I know that if that were to ever happen to me I would be a goner... I am not sure what to do but getting in the fetal position sounds better... Of course then you gotta think that they may see you as food and if the bear gets really close to you how are you going to get away?

    I am so sorry you have had bears in your back yard... I would be TERRIFIED... I would have a shot gun and I'm scared of guns too...

    Whatever you do DON'T make a bunch of noise.  That will only pissoff the bear and if you are clearly smaller and weaker than the bear, he is gonna know that.  Animals are incredibly smart.

  2. ...some folks are envying you about now..!.. what a rare occasion to hear some one explain there doubts and uncertentys re large animals...especilly bears..  with complete acceptance and respect!!!   I gotta tell ya,  you have my admiration..!!

      First off,... meeting a bear in  the wild probably means it was not expecting you, any more so than you were expect it.    

      They arent out-rite hunters of men, normaly, but it's wize to err on the side of caution, than suffer the consequences of so imposing and capable animals like the bear, who is instantly in a state of confusion..... and perhaps fear, as well... upon running into a human in a place it has grown confident none will ever be..

       Juneau tought you more than you appreciate....   you have undoubtedly got far and away more experiance with bears than you will find in dozzens of replys you get here.  I answered you only because i've raised a bear, lived in a crevas in Wyo with one for the durration of a storm once, and have met many others in there habitats so often i just couldnt NOT tell you that stuff up there...

       As you probably already know, bears are 'individuals' much as we our selves are.  A bear one day will be plumb tollerent and polite, and the next day it wakes up haveing a bad hair day....  and the next day it has the lonesomes and is feeling romantic... and the next day courriosity has it beside it's self..  

        On any given day, a 'familure' bear ..[to you..]  might be lathargic, the next day it will be assertive, and the next day it's irritated, or has cramps... who knows what they are influenced by day to day... they seem to be as fickel as a teenager.

       Trust the experiances nature has given you.  Thats the best advice any one any where will ever get about bears.

  3. first thing

    NEVER MAKE EYE CONTACT they take that as a challenge

    so keep your eyes down and bend over like your taking a bow and slowly start to back away

    but this dosent alawys work if u come across a mother with cubs, still do this but have an idea in your head of what u can use as a weapon if she attacks . A mother with cubs is a bad situation. but your survival instincs will kick in if u come across this situation

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