
What to do when your sister shuts you out?

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My sister and I used to be close but now she doesn't even open the door when I want to speak with her, she keeps it locked even when she sleeps and talks to me through the door. She only leaves her room to go to the bathroom and NEVER lets me in. Everyone deserves their privacy, but I think she's taking it too far. Ironic enough, she's the younger sibling.




  1. I have a younger sister and I know how you feel! She is probably going through that time in her life where the world revolves around her! She will grow out of it in time, just be patient! Just knock on her door one day and nicely ask her to let u in because u just want to talk and tell her how you feel. Say that you used to be close and ask her what has changed. Let her know u love her and that you will always be there for her if she wants to talk and you won't judge her. She won't shut u out for long! :)

  2. If this is a behavior, you need to inform your parents.

    Be there for her

  3. She is going through some changes right now.  Let her know you care about her, you miss her and she can talk to you when ever she wants.  Then leave her alone.  It will just make things worse if you keep bugging her.  She is taking the privacy thing a little far, but it is probably just a phase she is going through.  Be patient with her, but let her know you care.  

  4. I agree with telling her how you feel. Maybe she just needs some time to herself right now.  

  5. its a phase...give her some time and she will be back to her old self soon...just give her time to workout whatever it is she is going through

  6. Stop dwelling, she's probably in there cutting herself

  7. Shes your sister, so you should be able to think of a reason. But if your american i can understand since everything they do over there is ******* weird anyway. But if you british. The talk to her, take her out somewhere for a hot chocolate. Do things together as she is your sister and you do love each other at the end of the day.

    Just be extra nice and see what is up

  8. stop her and ask her if she want to talk and ask if there is something wrong. tell her you care about her and even if she doesn't want to talk now let her know that you are there if she needs you. :)

  9. i think ur sis are in Love just try to ignore her coz when she had a problem she well came on her own so live her alone shewelll come by her self  

  10. Write her a letter telling her how you feel. Give her some time.  

  11. Talk to your mom about this and get her some help for that! She might be going through some very hard times right now and you should defintily find out whats wrong. That is not normal at all so you defintly need to do something about that!

  12. tell her how you feel.

  13. Be the more Mature sister and tell her how you feel. She might be going through something and doesnt know how to talk to someone about it. Just let her know your always there and you feel kinda left out. And reassure her you want your close relationship back. Your her sis not friend. Your going to be there whether she likes it or not.

  14. Talk to your mom it sounds like something is wrong. It could just be nothing or a serious case depression. Is this something that has changed over time, or over a few days/weeks? Ask your mom if she has noticed anything different. Better to ask and be wrong than do nothing.

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