
What to do when your sleepover guests arrive and you dont no what to do?

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What to do when your sleepover guests arrive and you dont no what to do?




  1. You don't know what to do in what way?  your question is a bit vague

  2. Play hide and seek in the dark, works for me.

  3. play outside or talk

  4. When I have people over or if Im at a friends and we're bored, we all come up with something to do and vote.

  5. go outside and mess around or go watch a movie

  6. if its girls get the make up out that will keep them happy

  7. I usually find getting drunk always heals awkard situations, however if you can't do that put the tv on; it'll create background noise and theres bound to be something to talk about related to whats on :)

  8. ○PARTY!!!

    ○prank call

    ○ask questions

    ○call a celebrity

  9. Get drunk and have a l***o session.

  10. Well, at my sleepovers we do lots of things.

    -watch DVDs

    -eat popcorn

    -talk about guys

    -prank phone people

    -midnight water fights (always fun!)

    -tell ghost stories

    -bake cookies

    -pillow fights

    -tell jokes!

    I can't think of many more haha! Enjoy! =]

  11. prank call, eat and laugh

  12. have a plan. play a silly game at the beginning. this should get everyone giggling and chatting. then a bit of food and so on. there is nothing worse than sitting there not knowing what to do.

    oh, make sure everyone is introduced if thety don't already know everyone else.

    have a good time.

  13. Have some snacks, watch a movie, play board games, ask your guests what they want to do...

  14. for any age group Truth or Dare

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