
What to do when your toddler eats paper?

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What to do when your toddler eats paper?




  1. Usually ask how it tastes and if they want ketchup...then sneak it away when they aren't looking!

  2. When my daughter would eat paper I would have her hand it to me and tell her no eat...eventually she got it

  3. Lol according to my mom I used to eat paper or at least chew paper as a toddler...  It seems to me that the best thing to do is just keep paper away from your toddler, or vice versa - keep your toddler away from paper.

  4. Wow! I literally just removed paper from my two year's mouth just 5 seconds ago!! How ironic!!  My baby finds paper in the strangest places and he eats tissue too. I just snatch it out and pray that he did not swallow any. Really I just try to keep paper away, but I admit it is hard to do all the time. Good luck LOL

  5. I just figure he's getting more fiber.  I try to keep it away, but sometimes, he finds paper I didn't even know existed!

  6. keep paper away from him/her

  7. Ive known children who eat weird things like paper. You might ask his/her doctor about PICA espically if this is accompanied by any of the following....

    People with pica frequently crave and consume nonfood items such as:



    paint chips




    laundry starch

    baking soda

    coffee grounds

    cigarette ashes

    burnt match heads

    cigarette butts










  8. Well let me tell you they told me by the age of two my son would quit chewing on things.  He is 24 and still I have ends of pens that are always chewed if he gets ahold of them.  First, is your toddler's chewing paper just a normal toddler thing or is he going out of his way like an obsession to eat paper.  If it is just he chews on it when it is around I would say that is normal.  But, if he goes out of his way and seeks the paper like he is obsessed with it I would consult your pediatrician.  It could be some sort of deficiency in his diet and he eats the paper because it gives him what he needs.  It is kind of like a person will eat off the wall stuff but don't realize it but it is giving the body what it lacks.  If you really are unsure take your concern to your pediatrician as that is what they are they for.  I had a wonderful pediatrician---through her I learned alot so don't be afraid to ask.    

    Good Luck from a mother who still has to hide her good pens 22 yrs later  so her son don't chew the tops off of

  9. Sometimes there is nothing you can do for that. I mean you can't keep you eye on them every single second so things like that are bound to happen. Take it out of his mouth, tell him we don't put that in his mouth, and then throw the rest of it away. There is no point to make a huge issue of it. It is bound to happen again.

  10. umm, move the paper and give him something else to chew on. Maybe he's teething or he's hungry.

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