
What to do with $170,280.... That all you get from a 387k lotto ticket.?

by Guest61626  |  earlier

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What to do with $170,280.... That all you get from a 387k lotto ticket.?




  1. buy 170,280 more lotto tickets..

  2. better that than nothing.. if ur not happy with that much... i will gladly take it..i have lots to do with it..some people are Never satisfied...

  3. Sounds like you dont need it, im sure i could find some thing to do with it !

  4. a trip around the world for me and my family. the rest will be put towards a new car.x

  5. Congratulations, that's quite a wind-fall.  

    The thing that screws most people up when they win the lottery is that they think that the money is different than the money that they worked to earn.  They don't have a plan for what to do with money, or worse, they plan to waste it on liabilities - a big fancy house, flashy cars, expensive clothes, or jewelry.

    I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a house, a car, or nice things... far from it.  What I'm saying is that you need assets that provide income so that you can afford to buy those things.

    Take a look at all the debt you have... mortgage, car note, credit cards, anything else.  All debt that is costing you more than what you can make investing conservatively should be paid off.  Any debt that isn't costing you much - say a mortgage at 5% should be left alone.

    Once you've got your debts sorted out, it's time to invest.  With that kind of money all at once, I strongly recommend meeting with a professional financial planner.  Your bank will set that up for you - after all, you have a very large amount of money in your account with them.

  6. invest. The market is down. Best time to buy long term.

  7. Buy real estate while it's low, or buy more lottery tickets.

  8. 12K and 50% of my 2008 WSOP ME action is yours!

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