
What to do with Teacher?

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0 LIKES UnLike g*y geometrey tacher comes in late to class...then takes 30 minutes to go over homework that is not on the test we are scheduled to take that day...then gives us 45 minutes to take an 1.5 hour test that we all should i approch her? Btw 80 yr old lady who hates kids..thanks




  1. how about talking to your advisor or the department head?

  2. have your parents talk to the teacher or the principal

  3. Teachers need to have a certain success rate in order to get funding for the school. The whole no child left behind deal. If a whole class fails, that sure to get some attention. For now speak with a guidance councilor, for you guessed it guidance. They know the teachers and school politics.

  4. hahah that suckss..

    maybe leave a note on her desk tellin her what u just worte

    or tell the principle or leave a note on his desk

  5. i probably would discuss the above with your parents if you can... and have them maybe approach the principle with you with the problem.  since everyone is having the same problem maybe have your friends do the same.  good luck... and you really should talk to someone.

  6. ask for more time to do test. You need more time to take a

    test than what she gives you.  See the principal about your

    teacher that is g*y. maybe he can do something.

  7. Write a letter outlining your concerns.

    Be respectful and use appropriate language.

    Have your fellow students sign it if they agree.

    Give the letter to your principal.

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