
What to do with a bad guy?!!?

by  |  earlier

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Who has too many girlfriends and he just wants to play with girls !!

I know this guy ,and he thinks that i am stupid like other girls and he can just play with me,i feel i like him but i know he is just a game and do i get ride of him and make my life easy.i dont mind to play with him but i have no idea how?i am in love with him and i need to get control over my wrong feelings .I need help.




  1. this guy doesnt deserve you, at all . sometimes it may feel like your really special, but if their are other girls .. there will always be someone else, it is just a game, you deserve better . trust me, im in the exact same situation .. except .. we dont .. "play aorund" LOL .. sooner or later you will realize, that you can do better, and it is not worth it . but flirting .. wotn hurt, as long as you know it wont be anythign more than that , and if he changes then thats great.. if something hapenes thats GOOD between you two, that cool .. but remember that if there are other girls, thye probably feel the same way you do.. it may be serious to you, but to him, its all just a game, and it may always be a game .. and if he thinks yoru stupid, then hes a douche . and maybe you are in love with him, but sometimes it may seem like you are, but your not, mayybe its just that he makes you feeeel special, by tellign you or wanting to do other things with you .. my guy is sorta lile that too .. its great to know that he thinks your pretty .. and all that, but if there are other people involved like other girlfriends, its like, hello.. what about me ?

    i hope you get better .. yenno what i mean lol .

  2. chances are, he's a player. have some fun with him first, and try to figure out if he's really into you. see if he treats you differently then the way he treats other girls. just be careful and leave him before he leaves you. =]

  3. Find some one else to love. Remember that you're no toy for him, which I'm sure you already know. Dump him and go search for another one. I know that it's not easy and what I just said might have been rude but what else can you do? Work it out with him, keep clinging unto him? Or drop him and go on with your life to search for some one's comfort. So yeah, that's all I can say...

  4. start seeing new poeple and going out to meet new people, stay as far away from him as possible dont let him get the better of you

  5. You shouldn't even get involved with him. He sounds like a messed up dude. Find someone that like just you and will be dedicated to you.

    Help me if you can.;...

  6. Either go out with him and find out hes a total douche or get over him and move on.

  7. just leave him alone.

    tell yourself the bad points he have, convince yourself he's not the right guy.

    hang out more with your girlfriends.

    don't care about him when he tells you all sorts of things.


    thats basically nonsense that he said.

    good luck!!

    you still have your friends, boyfriends are not a need.

  8. sweety you are going to have to get rid of him just tell himthat you can not see him anymore that you have to get over some feelings that you have for him hope this helps

  9. Focus on other guys...imagine getting broken hearted after this bad guy breaks your heart....give other "good" guys a chance  

  10. Forget him and move on..

    I know it is not easy as I say... but try hard... you can.....

  11. Find a man NOT a jerk off player!!!

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