
What to do with a geriatric who wont leave me alone?

by  |  earlier

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The story goes is I live in a care home for people with mental health problems and no theres not much chance Im gunna get out soon so that wont work.

Anyway there's this annoying old biddie who won't leave me alone she always talks a load of c**p asking me questions she knows the answer to. It'll be p*ssing rain outside and she always says it's a nice day same as if I bought some rubbishy piece of clothing for 50p out the charity shop she goes I really like that.

She keeps repeating the same stories, how she was once the Scottish darts champion, how her cousin is the mayoress of Inverness, how she worked in the shipbuilding, trains and cowboy ranches in America half of it is a load of sh*t of course.

Her patronizing compliments drove me so far to the point of insanity once that I actually SHAVED MY HAIR OFF so she'd shut up about how much she liked my hair.

And the worst thing is she forgets EVERYTHING so if I tell her to get lost, shut up, or stay the h**l away from me she just doesn't remember.

The staff are all like that, well she can't help it, which I can appreciate, but what the h**l am I supposed to do I'm at my wits f*ckin end with her.




  1. You sound like you should be a patient, not a carer.

    You obviously can't handle the patients there, the woman's not harming you so stop acting like such a child.

  2. The staff should do something as although she can't help it you should not be effected my her. Its rather odd that people with mental health problems can be sectioned for annoy behaviour on the outside but then effect the patients on the inside and the staff think this is fine!  

    Just because you are in hospital that does not exclude you from not being effected by her as the staff are there, for want of a better phrase, to control her.  I was once subject to the same thing when I was an inpatient when this man kept on following me around to pick arguments.  In the end I told the staff that they had better keep him a f ***ing way from me as I'd had enough and they did eventually stop him.  If they do nothing ask for the name of the General Manager of the Trust and put in a complaint.  Tell them that if they refuse to take action to modify her behaviour and the effects its having on you you will be forced to consider legal action for failure to properly protect you from a patient with mental health problems who they have a legal responsabillity for.

    Other that that I have no idea how you stop her and while I feel sorry for her you have a right to peace and quite as well.  I would think this can't be helping with your own problems!

  3. try to ignore her, and concentrate on getting well yourself, she will be there long after you've gone, and still driving everyone else up the wall...see if you can arrange for the nurses to keep her from you. ...she has worse problems than you obviously, so be thankful that you are not in her shoes....She sounds to me, like she really doesn't know what is going on.   Honey, I am goind to pray for you, because sometimes, the hospitals just don't do it, and especially in a group home like this, where they can't give everyone the type of one on one care they realy need.....You don't need flack now, you need some kindness, and my prayers are with you....try to ignore this person,and when you DO see her, try to remember, that it isn't you, she is just very very ill...God bless  

  4. Hi babe, I think that you are probably a patient rather than a carer.  Tell the staff that she is distressing you and they will get her to leave you alone.

    It sounds as if this is not the right place for you, ask your doc about the possibility of other options or other places.  

  5. She just sounds lonely. Maybe you are the only person she get's to talk too. Remember you will be old one day.

    If it is so problematic for you just try to avoid her, when she does start talking just say you have to rush off. Pretend you need to make a phone call. There are ways around it.

    Don't let it get to you. Life is too short.

  6. Stop being a ******* d**k. What happens if that was you? As a matter of fact it probably will be you when your older. Some people just have problems and be fortunate that yours is not worst.

  7. do things in there except listen this persons stories like practicing coping skills or figure out the next step for you to take in order to get better. i was in one of those hospitals also in austin. i had the sam people around me but they accually helped.. i know f---ing odd right. so i would just say soal in what good info they say and hope you get better and out soon

  8. the old "biddie" is probably your carer, as you are obviously a retarded crank, good luck hope you get better soon.

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