
What to do with a lot of stuffed animals???

by  |  earlier

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I won a lot of stuff animals out of those crain machines like at walmart I know I cant sale them do you have any idea what to do with them??????????




  1. You should donate them to a charity or an organization that helps support less fortunate people. You can also give them to friends and family members who are having a new born child.

  2. give them to your salvation army or good will and if you cant take them there im pretty sure they do pickups in certain neighborhoods everyonce in a while

  3. i say give it away to charities such as red cross or salvation army.

    it'll make a bunch of needy kids happy and make you feel good about yourself

  4. send them to any troop in Iraq.  The soldiers like to give them to the kids.  You can adopt a soldier and mail it free at the post office.

  5. no need to distroy them because someone might need them so give them to the people who have canser or to goodwill or grage sale just don't  distroy them please!

  6. most local churches have collection boxes for stuff like, or you could donate them to the salvation army, or you could search for sites that will help out the earthquake victims.

  7. thrift store or goodwill.

  8. Well, if you dont want to keep them, there are a couple suggestions.

    -A younger sibling who might want them.

    -A friends younger sibling who might want them.

    -Donate them to a charity case of some sort.

    -When its someones birthday, attach a stuffed animal to the gift, kinda like the stuffed animals holding miniature balloons that say stuff that u can buy at the grocery store.


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  9. keep them, for they are priceless memories of your childhood

  10. Donate them to the needy, the sichuan earthquake etc. there are people much more unfortunate than you. Or sell them on ebay or amazon?

  11. Ebay.

  12. definitely give them to either goodwill, a homeless shelter, a children's hospital, or a local church that funds needy

    or you can find a chick you like and get a big basket to put them all in and leave it at her house with a note :]

  13. Give them to the local homeless shelter. They could give them out as kids come in to stay.

  14. personally

    cut their heads off

    and takek out the stuffing.

    eat it.

    and stuff the animal with

    hair products.

  15. Take them to the Salvation army, or Toys for tots (or if you have a lot of free time you can make furtnature out of them, I've seen it done).

  16. give them to a little kid in your neighbor hood, goodwill, salvation ary as long a they are going to be taken care of.

  17. Give them to an Orphanage, or to a childrens shelter. Or even Childrens Hospital. Im sure some sick kids would love stuffed animals to hold. Also save them and give them away to Charity for Christmas so that needy kids can get them.

    This also shows you what to do with them

  18. well there is always the possibility of selling them on never know. another great idea that would benefit you mentally and not physically is to give them to a great organization so that they could reach children who could really use something to hug. maybe you could find some type of organization that gives stuffed animals to children in the hospital long term that would brighten their days.

  19. Foster Children would really appreciate them.

  20. donate them to charity

  21. You can give them to a local charity. Maybe you can pass them out at local schools because all of the schools have fundraisers in the summer, they could use these animals for prizes. You could even try to sell them on ebay in a bulk / wholesale lot. I'm sure some organization or business would like to buy them from you on ebay. Good Luck!

  22. if you donate to the Salvation Army or Goodwill or the Woman Shelter, you can do a good deed and get a tax write off

  23. Donate them to the childrens hospital, give them to the poorer kids in your neighborhood, go on a toys-for-tots biker run .

  24. goodwill

  25. sell them back to walmart?? umm..  have a garage sale? give em to your "obsessed with stuffed animals" neighbor???  um charity? pull the stuffing out and make a nice pillow?

  26. Give them to a younger kid thats in your family or give them to the needy.

  27. The kids in Iraq would love to have your toys.

    What do you think?

  28. Toys for Tots.

    or donate them to needy families with children.

    especially if they're basically new.

    and if you don't have toys for tots, go to the hospital nearest you and give them to the childrens ward.

  29. give then to a kid or sell it to me i live in kansas one cat one because my friend birthday is comming up.

  30. You can donate them to any of them second hand stores out there.

  31. Call the police department and see if they will take them to give to children who are picked up due to abuse or there parents having been arrested or whatever traumatic incident that may put a child in contact with the police.

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