
What to do with a mouthy disrespectful 13 year old girl?

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my 13 year old was a perfect child now she is smart mouthed...we usually have a great relationship...but this week she has disrespected me soooo much...i grounded her from the phone and the computer on tues. she was good as come and she thought it was over..told her no...she got mad and started that little do i do? its her spring break..she said i have ruined it...should i just keep the computer from her and her phone and let her go to friends house? should i ground her for a long time? help !!!! she has never needed this before....i could always trust to her and all...




  1. send her to her room and tell her not to come out until dinner time.  Dont give into her or it will never stop.  Tell her she ruined her spring break herself and if she wants privlidges like going to a friends house she better straighten up or she will only see her bedroom walls and a classroom.  It sounds mean but things will not change unless you stay firm on your punishments.

  2. talk to her and say why you grounded her ( i hate it when parents ground kids and dont say why) but just go to her and say like " honey i love you and stuff but wat you did was wrong and please dont do it again" and then invite her to ice cream. Or tell her that your going to do some errans and take her with you then go to a fun place (without her expecting it). i mean like its her spring break and kids deserve to have fun i mean like spring break only comes once a year so forgive her this time but if she does it again ground her like you would usaully do but also be forgiving ((but not too much)). remember shes only thirteen. =)

  3. Well, you have to have her understand that she ruined her spring break. In my opinion its best to stay cool headed, not show extreme anger(get into a shouting match), and treat her with respect. But you also should not give in to her. In life, when you do something wrong there is punishment. So I personally think you should not let her have her phone back, or get on the computer over spring break. If you did not ground her from going to her friends house then I would let her go, but if you already have then I wouldnt. The best thing for your child is for you and your judgments to be steady. A child needs stability and respect from their parents. Ultimately it will help her in the long run to learn respect and responsibility.

  4. Kids will make mistakes and they get mad when we tell them no. I think you did the right thing by grounding her for being disrespectful. What you can do now, is have a talk with her. Let her know that she can not talk to you that way and that it was her decision to ruin her spring break not yours. You can also say that if her behavior improves that she can go to her friend's house, but if she continues to be mouthy, then she will be back to being grounded. *

  5. spend some time with her maybe she dealing with somthing at school talk to the guidence conselour or her teachefr to as k if she is acting weird

  6. My daughter is 7 and she gets smart with me sometimes and I don't look forward to her teenage years.  Now I just consistently tell her over and over you don't talk to me that way adjust your attitude and apologize to me.  I don't think that will work with your case.  I do think that 13 is just the beginning of this whole thing and it could get worse in the next couple of years so stick to your guns.  I would stick with the computer and phone for the week let her go to her friends but warn her if she doesn't stop that will be taken away from her, too.  Tell her she ruined her own vacation by treating you like that.  Just remember they don't have to like us all the time.  I have a hard time with that myself.  They don't have to be our friends and it better if they aren't.  They do have to show respect.

  7. Beat her with a switch and lock her in the closet. lol Just kidding! Just sit down with her, seriously. TALK to her. She's acting out for a reason. Tell her you would like to know whats going on. 13 year olds want to do SOOO much, but don't really understand that they need to be respectful and comply to rules to get the rewards of a bit of freedom. Good luck, and don't get a hot head and lose your cool. If you act out, so will she. Monkey see monkey do.

  8. maybe you should try talking to her or reasoning with her, explain to her why it is important for her to respect you and how if you two can get along how much easier it will be for both of you, but if she does not want to try and do what you ask then you will not try to help her, tell her it is not a give take relationship. if you ignore the problem and simply punish her without talking it will only result in rebellion.

  9. Punish her. If she talks bad to you tell her to go to her room. If she keeps it up take away something she really likes. If she wants to go on the computer don't let her go on it for a week.

  10. You have done the right thing by puinshing her. When my girls talk to me disrespectfully. I give them a warning. Something like ,"Did you forget who you were talking to? or I do not like your tone of voice." They are 9 and 11 years old. I try to teach them ways they could have said things when they calm done. But if they choose to still continue in that way they would get a spankin which has only happened 1 time.

    I also tell them if you cannot act right at home , what makes you think I will let you go to someone elses house with your bad choices or behavior. Learne how to act right at home and maybe I will think about it. I do not tolerate back talking. Spanking is a last resort and never done out of anger. When they are in trouble I always revisit it when they are calm and able to talk. I make sure they understand why they were punished. I ask them how could they have done things differently? So the next time they can handle it better and more repectfully.

  11. I guess you never went through puberty?  Or you were the perfect child through puberty?

  12. Do what my mom used to do to me....whoop her little behind, and if that doesn't work just get in her face with a belt in your hand and scare her by saying things like "Little girl if you don't stop mouthing off to me, I will slap the caps off your knees" or "I will slap you hard, I will slap your name out the phone book call your best friend and tell her I did it"

  13. Do any of you have a personal relationship with our Creator and Lord, Jesus?  The Word of God is the ONLY thing that changes us.  This "mouthy" stuff isn't some kind of little stage.  Unless she allows the Lord to change her for His glory, she will never change.  "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear."  (Ephesians 4:29)  Mainly: "Set your hearts and minds on things above, where Christ is seated on the Throne at the right hand of God Almighty."  (Colossians 3:1)

  14. your a bad mom

    wth obviously you pissed her off

    and he got mad at you let her go out its spring break

  15. You need to be consistent with your punishment and don't let up, or she'll think she can walk all over you. Like the first poster said, YOU didn't ruin her spring break, SHE chose to by being disrespectful to her mother. I don't know if people remember being a teenager or not, but a lot of the time simply talking to them doesn't work, they don't want to hear it at that age. I mean yes, it is important to talk to them, but you also need to speak in terms they understand, which at that age is revoking priveledges when they misbehave.  Make sure to keep open communication with her, but don't let up and give in to what she wants.

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