
What to do with a tenant that complains about everything?

by  |  earlier

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At the first of each month, my rental tenant calls to complain about the neighbor, or one of the appliances. I've replaced the washer and dryer, the dishwasher and now she wants a new refrigerator.

Legally, what's the guidelines to follow when a tenant complains of a refrigerator that isn't cold enough? I had my maintenance person look at the refrigerator within 24 hours of her first call. He put a part on order for it. It should be coming in within the next couple of days. But, she keeps telling me that she can't "live with a refrigerator like that"......? It's a good refrigerator and not that old.




  1. I've had tenants like that ... and I never replaced a working appliance just because they complained. I made it clear when I was showing the place that what they saw was what they were getting.

    What I did was go visit and tell them, "I', sorry that you think you are living in a place that doesn''tmeet your expectations, although it is in the same condition it was in whan you rented it. If you want, we both sign here and the lease is terminated as of the end of the month. I will have an ad running and will be showing the apartment to potential renters this weekend between the hours of 10AM and 4PM Saturday and Noon and 4PM on Sunday."  

    And I handed them a "mutual agreement to cancel the lease" form I wrote that basically said that by mutual agreement the lease for the premises at ____ was cancelled as of _____, terminating the lease.

    None of them ever signed, but most of them stopped whining. But none of them had their leases renewed.

  2. get rid of um

  3. You have already "trained" her to expect new appliances by replacing the other appliances. She expects you to get her a new refrigerator because of past experience. You are not obligated to do so.

    In fact, for this tenant, if the refrigerator cannot be repaired, I would buy a used one, in working condition but not shiny and new, just to break the pattern.

    My guess is that even if the refrigerator is repaired and working fine, she will find something wrong, or make something wrong. She wants new.

    Most appliances can be repaired. As long as the repair is made within a reasonable time, you are doing all you can.

    It is an inconvenience, she can live with it.

    How long has she been living there?

    If she is fairly new, you have to train her by limiting your contact with her and "screening" her complaints.

    Let her calls go to voice mail. If the complaint is valid, return the call at your convenience but in a reasonable amount of time. If it is not, do not return her call. You can do nothing about neighbors or other things that are out of your control.

    Another option is to require all complaints be made in writing and sent via mail. Again, address valid complaints, file all others.

    What type of lease does she have?

    If it is fixed term, abacaxitoo has the right idea. Approach her next complaint by stating, "You do not seem to be happy here. I am willing to agree to mutually terminate your lease and let you move out." She'll probably get all screwy in the face because she will not be expecting it.

    If she is month to month, just give her proper notice per your state's landlord tenant laws. You are not going to change her.

    BTW, I had a PITA tenant tell me that she thought she was going to be happy renting my apartment.

    I replied, "I guaranteed that you will get a clean, well maintained apartment, but I never guaranteed happiness." DOH! Her face was priceless. She was expecting to play on emotions. It didn't work.

  4. You have to explain to her ,that you doing everything in a timely manner and she need to wait. If you doing everything like good landlord suppose do- let her know, that you don't have control over things, that broke and you not going to replace everything , because she wanted.Be nice , but also don't let her take control over the situation to make you feel like you are bad person. Sometimes we landlords have to deal with annoying tenant - thing about if you wanted to sign another lease with her.

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