
What to do with an 11-year-old girl?

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One of my mother's friends is having some problems at home with her husband. I won't go into details, but all I know is that being at home certainly can't be fun right now for their 11-year-old daughter. I've known them and their daughter for a few years now.

Since it's summer vacation for this young lady, and she's spending a lot of time in an unstable home, I really want to try to spend some time with her and give her some positive reinforcement right now. The thing is, I'm not really sure what kind of stuff to do with her. I'd like to take her to do something fun and active, but as a 20 year old poor college student, I don't have very deep pockets right now.

Any suggestions for fun, cheap activities I can do with an 11 (almost 12) year old girl? I know that it wasn't that long ago since I was a 12 year old girl myself, but I'm not sure what to do in that weird age range where I'm not quite her peer and not quite an "adult" to her.

Any and all suggestions are welcome. I guess I'm trying to be a surrogate big sister to her in a difficult time in her life. Thanks.




  1. i would get some girly movies ,popcorn, and enjoy a night infront of the tv!i loved doing this with my freinds when i was that age!

  2. ask her what to do a movie (the dark night is good but might be to violent) the park or just hang out

  3. Go to the park & play

    Play a game of tennis

    Skate around in a parking lot

    Go swimming


    Sidewalk chalk

    Paint each other's nails

    Check your local library & movie theater - ours offer free movies & things during summer months.

    Teach her how to do something - whatever you do - knit, gymnastics, etc.

    Bake cookies, decorate them, and EAT them!

  4. Movies

    Out to eat



  5. libraries can be fun. or window shopping. if there is a free pool around try that. but, sometimes just talking ca be good, or hanging out doing nothing

  6. Well I know if I was in any sort of situation close to this I would like to be out of the house. Being active can be quite easy and fun. Have her invite a few friends over (1-3) and have a little dance party. The snacks can be cheap just popcorn and maybe some chips or cheese its. Provide the music with an ipod or cd's and turn the lights down like they would be at a school dance. If you play cds on the tv through a dvd player, the tv should send off cool tie dyed pictures. That will give light and make it fun for the girls.

    God bless you for trying to make this girls life better when you already have yourself to take care off. That really is a sweet thing to do. I'm sure I could come up with more ideas if you would email me. The link is on my profile:)

  7. Hey, first of all, that's really nice of you and you really should be a big sis to her right now. I am 14 and I am friends with lots of college girls from our church because they are good influences on me. We do stuff like, go out to lunch, dinner, movies, shop, paint nails while talking a lot.. I mean the list goes on. I don't have a real older sister so it's nice being able to hang with an older girl I admire so I'm sure it will be the same experience for this girl you are talking about.  

  8. try a bike ride around the block crafts like homemade things like bubble bath idk

    Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath

    This bubble bath has lavender and patchouli oils to relax you before bedtime. Use soft music and lighted candles in your bathroom for a soothing effect.

    6 drops of lavender oil

    3 drops of patchouli oil

    1 quart of distilled water

    1 bar of castille soap. (4 oz. Bar)

    4 ounces liquid glycerin

    Directions: mix the water, soap and glycerin together and stir. Now add your essential oils to the mixture.

    idk i know it sounds stupid but again idk

  9. try watching movies at home taking her to the park and you know find a common intrest getting her to like maybe similer book series. you could try religon  

  10. You could just take her places to hang out. Coffee shops, parks, maybe go see a movie. Get food at a fast food place. Play card games, board games, video games together.

  11. what u do with my younger brother, and my cousins is just take them out for ice cream or a walk in the park, or a movie, maybe even play a sport with them. since i live in nyc there are these really cool candy stores which they love to go to, also bowling is super cool in in some places they give specials on weekdays.

    need more help just ask

  12. How nice of you to reach out to this girl.  

    As far as activities go, you have several inexpensive options:

    1. Roller skating

    2. Movies

    3. The park

    4. Girl's night/slumber party.  Give each other pedicures, etc.

    5. Take up a sport with her like tennis.

    6. The mall.

    7. Volunteer at a local shelter

    8. Talking

    If your friends have daughters this girl's age, you should invite them along so she will make new friends.

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