
What to do with garbage in India ?

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My friend is teaching English in India for 2 months. She has collected all her garbage for the month and is not sure if she should throw all the garbage off the bridge into the river like everyone else does. Can she bury certain types of garbage in the ground ? Would that be better to bury paper and cardboard or compost ? What about plastics ?




  1. don't burry plastics as they are not biodegradable, rest of them are biodegradable and are meant to be buried.  

    As you may be knowing plastics is one of the problems man has ever had.  Once created very tough to destroy.  Burning plastic is also not good as poisonous gases get into the air and cause harm to the living organisms.  

    The reason I told you not to burry them because plastic materials are eaten up by cows that wander streets in India and they die due to consumption of plastics.

    As plastics are a big problem to the society it is better to dump them in a place like rivers or seas so that nothing will eat or causes harm to the surroundings, however there are still few problems by doing this.

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