
What to do with kid's books I can't throw away??

by  |  earlier

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Well, I'm decluttering my room 'cause I'll have it painted and redecorated.. I'm a teen so there are so many books I read as a kid that I don't want to throw away.. They remind me of my childhood and they're cute and I'll be sorry for them if they end up in the garbage!!

Thing is, I'm having a very little room and they take a lot of space..

What can I do with them??

Tnxx in advance!! ;-D




  1. Donate them to a thrift store or public library

  2. Omg, I know how you feel - still got books from my childhood and I'm's Hubby and he's 62.................

    Sort them out into three piles.

    1)Those you love regardless of condition

    2)Those in really good condition, or rare titles/authors, etc

    3)Those you would like to see giving pleasure all over again

    Donate group 3 to a charity shop or playgroup (maybe for underpriviledged kids?)

    Keep Group 1 in a safe place and love them for ever and ever and ever

    Sell group 2 on e-bay

    Right now we're wishing we had an elastic looks like a mobile library has crashed into a Curiosity Shop............

    All best to you, kindred spirit!

  3. you can make those one or two books by using of glue i mean that stick those together then you can put those every where of your room

  4. I would suggest keeping a few of your favorites and donate the rest.  It would be a shame to throw away these good books when someone else could use them.  

    You could donate them to a crisis nursery where they would be loved and used.

  5. you can store them in a storage room or put them in a box and put them up somewhere that u can find them but at least they will be out ur way and u can still look at ur childhood memories

  6. Well u can make a memory chest and put all ur books in there. so when ur older and have kids u can show them ur books that u used to read. but if that isnt ur thing and u just want to get rid of them but no their put to good use u can give them to good will. there people who really need it wil enjoy it as much as u did when u were a kid.

    Hope i helped!


  7. Pick out a couple of you very favorite books that you can hold onto and be able to read when you have children.  Then consider donating some to your local childrens' protective service, (They always need something to entertain new arrivals with.) some to your local library, and then some to good will.

    By donating the books lovingly to children in need, you will not only have the special memories from YOUR childhood, but the knowledge that you have brightened another child's life.


  8. Save them for when you have your own children.  

    If  you have no space, try to sell them on  I wouldn't suggest bringing them to a library.  Libraries get people's unwanted books all the time, and unless it's something special, the libraries don't want them, either.  (I'm a librarian--I'll bet you guessed that)  :-)

  9. You could loan them to a relative with children and the understanding that you get them back when you have children.  Put your name plate in each one with "on loan from" on the first blank page.

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