
What to do with my 19 month old son!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, well my 19 month old son is a handful, to say in the nicest way. He barely talks.....only says a few select words....but I'd say 95% of the day, he is screeching to get what he wants.....and if he doesnt get his way, he screams over and over......

He hits, he bites....I really dont know what to do with him. My oldest daughter was NOTHING like him when she was his age. He's really driving me insane, and I really fear Im going to lose it!! I try to discipline him, but everything is a joke...he just laughs. How can I stop this horrible behavior.

Oh, and he is NOT like this with anyone else....only when he's at home or with his father and I.




  1. The reason why he does it with you and his dad is because, he knows he can get away with it.  When he wants something..example if he wants his sippy cup.  Tell him (call him by name) if you want your cup, you will stop crying, and not scream at me.  Get his attention, look him in the eye and speak clearly. And, whatever you do don't give in. When he continues to scream, hit, bite or whatever. Explain calmly to him (by name) if you want this you are going to stop this. If you get upset with him and/or just give in.  He will not change. And if he doesn't stop screaming, don't give in still. When he calms down and begins to be still. Then offer it to him, he will take it. And tell him, now see you were quite and a good boy and you got what you wanted. Next time, you want something be a good boy and don't scream (or whatever).  Each and everytime he wants something you have to stay firm. It will be tough at first, and stressful but it is for the best. Good Luck, and I wish the best for you.

  2. perhaps he is autistic, and if that is the case, do not try to force him to talk, it's not going to happen.

    you just have to be patient and learn to deal with these special types of children, they are really great kids actually.

  3. Have you talked to your pediatrician about this? You should look into info about ADHD. Some signs of this can be: short attention span, easily distracted, difficulty following simple instructions, overly talkative, emotional with frequent outburts, crying, screaming, hitting and/or other signs of frustration. Trouble sitting still more than most toddlers, reckless behavior... I am just reading in my book "What to expect the toddler years" and this sounds like something you may want to look in to.

  4. it is best for parents to have the same strict levels unless the child will become confused,

    is he still in a cot?

    if so when he starts screeming, put him in the cot and let him cry it out,its hard but believe me, if its just a case of i want, i want , i want, or a screeming fit for the sake of it, it does work

    talk to him more and play more reading is good too, for the biting put a bit of food he does not like in the area he often bites at the time he has this biting session, he will soon snap out of it and when he does put him in a room where there is no tv or anyother distraction and let him cry it out,

  5. give him time out hes never too young disipline him when he does something like if he hits stop him and say stop or you wont get to have this or that of course he'll cry!Let him cry

    girls are diffrent from boys as you now can tell

  6. What I did with my son was talk to him so much when I was driving somewhere and I had his full attention. I would always ask my son about things he knew about and just couldn't say. Have conversations with him in the car even if he doesn't talk back. I tried sitting down at home but when he was 20 months old so many other things had intrested him. As for the hitting and biting put him on timeout every single time he hits or bites. Be persistant about it.. he'll hopefully soon get over it

  7. Just let him scream all he wants he will get tired of it and will understand you arent going to give in! you are the parent ans he is the child a little screaming never hurts nobody so it might be irritating but hang in there and it will work! I put my daughter in her crib and leave her there and she gets so tired she falls asleep

  8. let him sit and have to take control now so you do not hav a monster no one will tolerate,  Let him know that you are not always the kind easy going Mom and be firm!!! It is for him

  9. there are a few things I have used soap in the mouth for = biting is one of them.  spitting, swearing, lying - things that involve the mouth.  He is old enough to start understanding that this is not allowed and sometimes a spanking does get a laugh response.  soap, however, will get an entirely different response.  if you can't get the mouth open, a little liquid soap on your finger and put it inside between his cheek and teeth will work just fine.  good luck.

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