
What to do with my life...why do I feel so lost? Nursing students and anyone else, please help.?

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I'm going back to school after taking a year off. I was in a nursing program and wasn't really sure if it was what I was meant to do, I struggled a lot (not with the nursing courses itself) but just with finding myself and trying to figure out what I was meant to do with my life. I felt lost throughout that year (2006-2007); it was awful. So I decided to take a year off to rethink things, worked, and now I've decided to go back to the program. In a perfect world, I wouldn't be going back to it, but my family needs money and so do I, and I know first hand it's hard to find a job today. I know some people who went to post-secondary schools and couldn't find jobs for many months after graduating and had to work in factories for a while (one of them is still looking for a job right now...has applied to tons of places, did interviews and all...but still working in a factory because she hasn't found a job in her field yet). Some did find jobs, but they didn't relate to what they studied and the money wasn't that great. Not that I'm trying to compare myself to others but just trying to be realistic, I don't want to have problems finding a job lateron with another degree or working in a factory or some restaurant. I am thinking of a french degree with now. I love french and always do well in it, but I'm worried of the job opportunities out there for that major. I'm also worried about my parents. I think they'll pretty much disown me if I change majors again. They were not happy with me not going to school for a year, but they were supportive as time went by and told me I could go into another program of choice, something I would enjoy, I've told them I'll go back into nursing lateron and they asked me a couple of times if I was sure and I said 'yea,' although at the back of my head I had doubts, but I just told myself I would stick it out with the program. I've 3 yrs left with it. If I do change programs, I won't tell them because they'll write me off as their kid then. I know they'll find out eventually and they'll do so then as well. I don't know why I'm so scared. Nursing is hard in general, but I didn't have trouble with the courses (except for some of the hands-on clinical skills), tho I hated studying to them. It was the clinicals that I dreaded. There were some skills I didn't understand and I felt stupid. It seemed the other students knew what they were doing except me. I also felt like I didn't belong at the clinical setting, the clock seemed to stay still and I just couldn't wait to leave. I'm also naturally a shy person and ahd a hard time going up to the patients and expression myself, especially when their family members were around. We have two days of clinicals this year (eight hrs each day) for the whole year, I don't know how I am going to survive. I don't know, if anyone can give me some advice, I would appreciate it. By the way, I was in an arts course before in my first year (Psychology), I loved it, but changed into nursing because I felt it would open up more doors. Now I'm in a nursing program and I feel lost. If I could change into any other program, it would be Psychology or French. I really don't want to change programs again, but I don't know what to do. I've already chosen my nursing courses and all. Maybe I'll find an area of nursing I'll fit in with when I'm through, I dunno, but how I will make it through first. I'm 21 yrs old. Has anyone else felt this way, or is this just me?




  1. I have a sign in my office that I made and it says, "Leap and a Net Will Appear".  We only do well in areas we have an honest interest and passion for.    Take the French course.  You will be amazed with what opportunities come your way when you do what you are called to do on this earth.  Settle down and good luck!

  2. Grey, I am a nurse so I will try to answer you, but I don't know if I can help.  I was in a similar position.  I came out of the Navy a hospital corpsman.  I enjoyed it while in the service.  I started out in the LPN program then got my RN.  For the next 10 years I was miserable working in a hospital setting.  I decided to get my BSN thinking it would open more doors.  It didn't.  So after 15 years in a hospital setting I started looking for a new position.  After 1 year and a couple of short jobs, I landed a position at a non-profit agency that assists low income elderly find care.  Its the best job I have every had and now I'm starting my 16th year there.

    It took me 15 years to find what I was looking for, and it made me glad that I became a nurse.  

    I know this is not much help.  I could give you cliches like, Good things come to those that wait.  But they may not for you.

    I think if you could find something that made you happy and helped the family out, go for it.  

    Good luck!

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