
What to do with my mean mean cat

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my fiance and i have had this cat for 6 months. we got him from the petsmart spca. he is about 7 months old. at first we both really liked him but now all he wants to do is bite, and scratch us. if a leg is hanging off the bed or couch he will bite it - hard. we live in a one bedroom apt. is there something we can do to make him friendlier or is the apartment just too small of an environment for him. is there also a chance that we just dont mix? we would like to fix the problem but if he just doesnt like us then we would rather he have an owner he does like.




  1. maybe hes frazzeled because he dosent like somthing around him?

  2. I would consult your vet or go to the library and look for a book on raising cats, like "cats for dummies".

  3. Have you ever thought about taking him to a trainer/professional (if your finances permit)? Or consulting w/ a friend or family member who has pets. If you really like this cat, which I assume you do, or at lease did at one point, try to get help from someone who knows how to deal with these animal behaviors. If not, there's always the option to find the cat a new home, Good Luck

  4. He will change his tune, when you get him fixed.



    (").. ..(")


  5. I think that he is a playful little terror who needs his jets cooled and his toy box filled with new interesting toys. When he bites, give him  a stern"NO" and clap your hands loudly to startle him. Get toys that dangle like Cat Dancer so he can reach up and bat it around. Lift him up on the bed and gently rub his head and ears without making any fast hand motions. Talk softly and see if he settles down.

  6. He's still just a baby.  Well, maybe a bit of a "teenage baby"; but full of life and fun and energy none the less.  And your leg hanging off the bed in the middle of the night is the most awesome "toy" for him to play with while he's prowling around at night looking for something to do.

    He doesn't dislike you, and I'm sure your apartment is just right.

    I imagine your cat is quite happy living with you, and being loved by you.  From my experience with cats that age it sounds like you have one on your hands that is just full of energy.  There is a toy that we got for our younger rescues (I ended up buying two of them) at Wal-Mart called "TurboScratcher".

    Here is a link so you can see what it looks like

    The scratching centers are replaceable, which comes with catnip that you sprinkle across the top to make it even more interesting for the cat.  To get the cats interested in it I set the toy on the floor and just begin by spinning the ball around on my own.  Our cats will stick their paw into the track to stop the ball, then I start the ball rolling again.

    Before too long our cats caught on that they could knock the ball around the track on their own and are entertained for hours playing with the thing.  I even bought some ping-pong balls from the sporting goods department and set a couple of those in the track as well.  They are light weight, and once the heavier ball gets moving it pushes the ping-pong balls as well and gives the cats even more to play with.

    Our cats also LOVE the Furry Mice

    and will carry them around in their mouth by their tails and cry, and bring them to me as if they had caught the real thing.

    If all that fails, try "pipe cleaners".  Plain old fuzzy, multi-colored pipe cleaners that you can purchase in the craft department.  Coil them around your finger and drop them on the floor in front of your cat.

    It sounds to me like your cat is just looking for excitement and entertainment.  I know our cats love that TurboScratcher and roller ball combo.  And all of these things are relatively inexpensive and can be found at a Wal-Mart Supercenter near you.

    Good Luck!  Hope this helps.

  7. When he bites or scratches you could try using a water gun and yelling "NO!" Most cats hate water and hopefully, eventually he will learn if he bites or scratches he will get wet and won't do it anymore.

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