
What to do with my son?

by  |  earlier

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He's missing his dad who works away for long periods of time. He got really upset this afternoon and asked if we could 'do something nice' this evening. Any ideas? He's 7.




  1. Why dont you write a letter or draw some pictures to his dad get really creative or you could go the other way and try to take his mind off the situation and put his favourite film on to watch together and maybe order his favourite take away. Hope you both enjoy tonight whatever you decide to do


  2. take him to chucky cheese were he can play some video games with you and then go to a movie.. thats always fun  

  3. You two could play games together. Play UNO, monopoly, checkers, etc.  He could write his dad a letter telling him how much he misses him.

  4. This is so sad to hear as i no how much my son loves time with his daddy!

    Sit down on your sofa with a big tub of ice cream, 2 spoons, and fun DVD and a big hug : )

  5. Do you have a portable DVD player?

    My kids love to go outside after dark and watch a movie on ours. We watch on out trampoline, but just a blanket would be fun too. We pop popcorn and take out M&M's or candy of some sort. I enjoy it as much as they do, but we wait until dusk preferably dark.

  6. maybe you could go to the park

  7. Take him to a movie...

    OR take him to a craft store and get him to pick out a bunch of stuff to make for when daddy gets home..... Then go home and spend time together putting the crafts together for daddy.

  8. The sad (but good) thing is that children are innocent, trusting, and they love unconditionally.  So I'm sure whatever you do with him will be wonderful in his eyes.  Take him to the park and for an ice cream. Throw some baseball. Buy him some school clothes and just spend QUALITY TIME WITH HIM. That's all that matters!  And don't forget the hugs and the "i love you's".

  9. ok erm to start with maybe do some colourin he might make a drawin 4 his dad then u could draw on old t-shirts wear them with him .. another gd thing is face paintin if u have any or even something silly like a pilliow fight he will enjoy it plus it will tire him out later u could do all this he will love it my young sis loves messy things goin wild she then tired later she sleeps all night reli well ...have a gd night with ya son

  10. my son is the same way so i would usually take him to the corner store i let him ride his bike while i walk and he gets to get a chocolate milk :) and when we get home i will let him call daddy just to say hi :) it makes him feel better :)

  11. Just Like,

    Go To The Park, Try And Bond With Him.

    Maybe Take Him Out To McDonalds Or Something,

    Or Cinema, Or Rent?

  12. The easiest thing to do would be to ask him what he'd like to do. Other than that, you could play a game with him like monopoly or something, you let him choose a dvd and watch it together, help him to make some popcorn, or you could just do something that means you are spending time with him, like take the cushions off the couch, get some blankets and so on and build a fort in the living room, then sit inside it to tell stories and the like. That's what I would do anyway! Good luck.

  13. take him out somewhere and spend some quality time with him. Remember to hug him and tell him you love him and how prod you are of him whenever he does something that he might think is special. I have the same problem with my 10 yr old son. this morning i told him that me and him were going out tonight, where he wants to go. He picked the movies and

  14. Maybe take him to get some ice cream, then play at the park, and then come home and play some games of his choice.

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