I frequently travel between my parents' house and my grandmother's house; they live in the same community about a block away from each other. I have had two occasions so far where two of the property owners that have houses halfway between them have physically stood in the road where I was driving to stop me, and threatened physical harm upon myself and my vehicle (ie "I will throw a brick through your windshield!") if I didn't "slow the f*** down." Now, I admit it, driving a sports car I do get on it occasionally, but NEVER in the community and NEVER near their houses. The speed limit is 25 (though the state-wide law has it set to 30) and I will do the speed limit, and I am aware of their children often running around near the street so do my best to look out for them. I normally would let this go and laugh it off, but I do take their threat seriously. Should I call the police?