
What to do with nine year old s***s?

by  |  earlier

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So, this girl was IMing my friend, being mean, and my friend was like, can you help me? And I was like, sure. And the girl who was being mean was like "your a hoe." And I just told her to be nice and junk. and then she started to be really nasty so i called her a h**e. lol. and she was like 'i know i am.' and i was like 'YOUR NINE!' and she was like 'So?' lmao.

so. lol. what do i do?




  1. ...What?

  2. Chances are she doesn't even know what a w***e is.  

  3. block her.

    and shame on her parents.

    and her.

  4. why would you waste any time arguing with a 9 year old ...she knows that she is getting next to you and she is going to continue. stop responding to her and she will stop ...either that or block her.

  5. LOL 9 years old and on the internet? geez

    Kids do that because they think they're cool, when in reality they're not..

    If you have a problem with those little idiots, tell them you've reported their ip address to the police, and that pretty soon their parents will know what they've been doing on the internet.. But dont actually report their ip address though

  6. block her and quit IMing back..and she is obviously soo annoying ..and gross :]

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