OK so i have an old 2G kit with light, arcrylic guard for nder the light and the tnaks made out of Arcrylic... heres a pic of the type of tnak i have:
so, what sould i do wit it? its too smal for any fish i know of even with a small flter and maybe a heater .... its my old old old betta tank.... he was in a 12g for a month, then in htis for 6 months then in a 5g.... anyways ive had this tnak in the closet and i didnt know it was there till i cleaned my closet. so, what should i do with it ? =]TY!
oh, also it came w/ an andergravel filter and an airpump, but i threw out the filter and the airpump is in my 10g (for decoration =])