
What to do with old junk televisions?

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Right now we have three junk televisions. I have no clue what to do with them. Any ideas on how to get rid of them?




  1. Find out if your area has an e-waste depot and take the TV there.  There are some toxic things in TV, so the e-waste centre removes the harmful parts before sending it to the landfill.

  2. some answerers are right. try to disassemble it and try to get valuable parts (like PCBs, wires, etc.) electronic companies do that thing and they call it "sorting". for me, the best choice would be for you to donate it to other people or just keep it.

  3. You can always just leave it on the curb side...some stranger will probably take it.

  4. try to sell it at a pawn shop, you never know who could use them for something.

  5. Look up recycling centers in your county to see if there is a drop-off site.  There are sometimes electronic recycling "events" where you can unload.  You might be charged a fee of $5 or so per piece.

    Don't throw them away because they may contain elements that are harmful to the environment, and you don't want those leaking into your drinking water.

  6. When I see a TV or some other electronics which are worth salvaging, I stop and take either the whole set or parts.

  7. See if you can recycle it. :)

  8. Put it under your pillow and then go to sleep... A NEW DOLLAR!

  9. Well if there old analog tv's that can be furniture keep those until they are antiques and sell them later.  If there modern junk tv's then try to sell them for parts or just throw them away.

  10. we use them as tables. jk jk jk but i have seen them, you can take them to the dump, or pawn them off on goodwill they'll just take them, and get rid of them if they dont work....

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