
What to do with paintings?

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Artists: would you want your paintings back in this case?

My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is an artist. When they were together, she painted him a series of very nice original works, and they stayed on his walls until recently. When they broke up (almost two years ago), she didn't ask for them back. Now he's moving into a new place, and they don't fit in as well with the decor, plus he feels strange keeping up his ex's art.

Should he mail them back to her? Give them away on Craigslist? Something else? They are not on speaking terms, nor are they likely to ever be, but the pieces are rather nice and it seems like a shame to just throw art away.




  1. i know i would love to get my paintings back if i ever broke up with someone especially if i made them for that person... but if she did not ask for them back that means she does not want to see her work ever again... i say go ahead and sell the artwork... since it is good work (from what you said) it should sell quickly... and use that money to get artwork from an artist that you and your bf would love to have together.  

  2. She might not have asked for them back because she gave them to him as a gift--and asking for a gift to be returned is awkward at best. That doesn't mean she wouldn't want to have them back. If I were in that situation, I would definitely regret having to leave them behind, but I wouldn't make a bad breakup worse by asking that they be returned.

    So if I were your boyfriend, I would give them back to her, and I would try to do it in as civilized a manner as possible.  

    Do they (your BF and his ex) have any mutual friends who would be willing to serve as a go-between? Your boyfriend could give the paintings to that person, who could then pass them on to his ex, and they wouldn't have to contact each other.

    If they don't have someone who could do that, he should pack them securely so they don't get damaged, and ship them back to her (or have a courier service deliver them, if she's local). And I think it would help if he included a short note that just said, "I like these paintings a lot, but it's time to move on. They are far too good to give away to strangers, and selling them on Craigslist seems wrong, so I'm returning them to you."

    And that's all he really needs to do. He doesn't need to apologize, or ask her if she wants them, or ask for a response, or make a big deal over it. He may not be on speaking terms with her, but that need not stop him from doing the decent thing in a civilized way.

  3. I would call her first if she wants them back or not.  If you mail them directly i would want to know when they would be mailed back if i was her. ;D Or if she doesn't want them.  Sell them on ebay/artwanted or arts and crafts mall.

  4. 1. He should call the ex and let her know he has changed decor and thinks her art is very good and would like for her to have it back.

    2. Contact her parents and let them know he would like for them to have the great works of art done by their daughter.

    3. Send them to the ex with a note saying they are great but no longer fit his decor.

    4. Send them to me I own an art gallery :-)

  5. I think art is art, and they must be pretty good if you are able to appreciate the pieces in spite of your boyfriend's previous relationship. I would sell them...or even give them as gifts...but I agree with you, it is a shame to throw art away. Good for you! Having such an objective perspective is rare...I think your boyfriend scored pretty good with you as well as having some nice collectible pieces of art. It is also a nice gesture on your part to suggest returning them to the artist rather than sell them...possibly below value. Again...Good for you!!

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