
What to do with reclycling materials when my reclycling bin is full?

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i have a bunch of extra papers but my recycling bin is filled to the top... do i put it in a cardboard box or what?




  1. If you are recycling newspaper, be sure to separate the newspapers from the slick stuff, such as those ads they insert in them, they are different and must go into a different bin. If you have an area where you can store those recyclable items, such as an upstairs compartment, store them there until your next pickup.

  2. almost all cities have large dumpsters that are only for paper, plastic, glass etc. the best thing to do is find them and get your old paper recycled asap.

  3. If you want to save the papers, yes I suggest you to put them in a card board box, but if you dont want them, I guess throw does suckers away.

  4. Some great suggestions here!

    Have you crushed all your cans? this can make for a lot more room in your bin.

  5. Well im a big envirmental freak. Well if you have extra paper you sould save it for future activitys. If you are a creative person you can use the scraps for things. Always reuse what ever you can. And to the guy that said throw them away....... YOU ARE PART OF THE REASON FOR GLOBAL WARMING.

  6. When recycling, survey the items you are putting in your bin. kinders, after school programs readily accept most meat tray containers, egg cartons, cling wrap rolls and ice cream conatiners. If you still have too much, does it really have to go out this rubbish day - put it aside till the next fortnight. OR ask your neighbour if they have spare room for your extras. Just remember you may be asked to return the favour

  7. Did you know that some household waste ie paper roll tubing and egg cartons can go into a composte heap then it is degrades after a few weeks. Compost is an excellent way to help the enviroment, it's natural and organic.

  8. If this is once in a long time thing, keep the extra somewhere for the next week. Or get a bigger recycling bin.

  9. You could ask a neighbour if they have space in their recycling bin.

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