
What to do with so much eggplant?

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someone gave us a lot of eggplant but there's only so much eggplant parm I wanna eat. what else can I make with it? any tips on storage appreciated as well. thanks.




  1. You can make a veggie curry with it.  lightly saute them and add to ur favorite curry.  

  2. eggplants freeze well but they need to be blanched .....1 gallon water...1/2 C lemon juice...peel and slice (about 1/2 inch thick) eggplant....

    bring water to a full boil and add eggplant and time 4 mins....remove to ice bath then drain well (3 mins) ...freeze in zip locks making sure to remove as much air as you can ...use a straw to suck out the air if need be.

    A French dish using eggplant

    Eggplant Arlesienne is pretty easy

    1 Green pepper

    1 clove garlic peeled

    1/2 C minced onion

    2 T butter

    1 eggplant peeled and diced

    1 C diced tomatoes

    1 t salt

    1/2 t pepper

    1/2 t oregano

    1 T capers

    saute the peppers and onion in the butter until tender...add the eggplant and tomatoes...cover and let cook on low for 15 mins until eggplant is tender.add salt, pepper,oregano and capers ...turn up the heat and cook until most of the liquid is gone....this is served cool with sandwiches , cold meats or salad...


  4. There is definitely a lot you can do with eggplants. Here is a list if eggplant recipes and videos that would be of help to come up with delicious dishes.

  5. Lasagna using the sliced eggplant instead of pasta noodles, is wonderful.

    Breaded and butter fried slices is also soo good.

    Stir frys, or in anything that you would use zuchinni in as they are rather 'bland' veg as well.  I've never tried eggplant chocolate cake or bread....never had that many to use up-but why not try?  

  6. You can slice it thin anlightlyly batter it and pan fry it. Delicious.


    1 egg

    1 cup milk

    1/2 cup flour

    1/3 cup parmesan cheese

    /13 cup chopped fresh parsley

    Pepper to taste

    Mix well

    Slice eggplant thing and lightly salt to draw out the water.

    Dip eggplant into flour then batter.

    Pan fry in hot oil.

    Pickle ioilln and vinegar

    Slice eggplant into 1/4 inch slices.

    lightly salt.

    lightly brush with oil and bbq about two minutes on each side. High heat.

    Remove from bbq and slice into thin strips.

    Put in a bowl or jar.

    Add to the bowl or jar 2 parts olive oil, 1 part wine vinegar. salt and pepper to taste.

    mix well anrefrigeratete.

    You can add BBQ hot peppers cut into thin strips to the eggplants.

    Mix well before serving.

    chef robert

    culinary instructor

    author of chef robert presents romantic dinners for two

  7. Loved this great  eggplant dish I used to eat in China.

  8. I love eggplant. Try grilling it. When my husband does it, he slices it, brushes it lightly with olive oil, seasons with a little Mrs. Dash Original, and throws it on the grill. It's delicious.

    You can also add it to pasta. I like to cook linguine, toss it in garlic butter, and add diced up tomatoes, eggplant, and zucchini.

  9. Try here!

    Good luck and email me some =)

  10. Eggplant Lasagna


    8 ounces lasagna noodles, cooked

    1 medium eggplant

    olive oil

    1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste

    1 cup red wine

    1/2 cup hot water

    1 garlic clove

    1 teaspoon dried leaf basil, crumbled

    1/2 teaspoon turmeric

    salt and pepper

    1 cup chopped onion

    2 cups chopped green bell pepper

    1/4 cup sliced black olives

    1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese


    Slice eggplant into 1/4-inch rounds; fry in a nonstick skillet in hot oil on both sides until tender. Drain on brown paper or paper towels. Combine tomato paste, wine, water, garlic, basil, and salt, turmeric, and pepper. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add green bell pepper, chopped onion, and olives. Cook for 5 minutes longer.

    Arrange a layer of lasagna noodles in a buttered shallow baking dish. Cover noodles with a layer of eggplant slices and several spoonfuls of the sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Repeat layers until all ingredients are used. Bake eggplant lasagna at 350° for 30 minutes. Eggplant lasagna serves 8.

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