
What to do with the kids it just rains all the time?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike done loads of painting playing games i want to take them to a play barn or somewhere inside for a good few hours but cant think of any names for play barns in bristol help they are bored i need to get them out to let off some steam they are 9 3 and 9 months




  1. I'm in scotland and it's been pouring here too. i got my son (14 months) proper rain gear and we've been going to the parks despite all the rain. i've been so happy for the gear. i realise with 3 kids that's a lot of money on rain gear, but it wasn't that expensive. i got the wellies for £3 and the coat and trousers were about £20. have great ideas for kids and activities in your area.

    also, bring them to your local childrens library. my son loves going there as there are lots of books and toys and plenty of room to run around.

  2. Theres a place called long well green just outside of Bristol, it has lots of things to do there, including a childs play area, a pub, bowling, cinema, and a pizza hut.

    Or if that isn't to you're taste you could try these websites which contain various places:

    Search in google, lots come up.

  3. i babysit my 3 year old brother and he gets so bored that he crys he is bike mad so i put my laptop on and we look at pictures i find making things whith him theres a new indoor soft play just opend somewere in bristol we drove past it the other day x

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