
What to do with the strings hanging at the beginning and end of a finished knitted scarf?

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Am I supposed to knot them in a special way? I could not find this information anywhere.

Thank you in advance.




  1. Using a yarn needle, thread the tail back through several stitches, like about 4 inches, then come back through them to the edge and clip it off. Make sure you aren't using the same track coming back out as you went in.

    My mother in law taught me this trick. No we won't find the finishing of the tails anywhere that I know of. It just says to finish them!!

  2. Buy a pack of 'yarn' or 'tapestry' needles - these have very large eyes and relatively blunt points. Thread the end of one of the strings into the yarn needle and use the needle to weave the yarn back in. There's a description of the process at ''.

    The 'duplicate stitch join' video below also has a section on weaving in ends (scroll down on the page to find it).

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