
What to do with the top 3 strings?

by  |  earlier

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Here's the thing...

I'm visiting family, and my mother wouldn't allow me to bring my guitar. I was temporarily going through withdrawals, but I found a crappy walmart guitar with only the E, A, and D strings. Crappy as it may be, it is a stringed instrument that I can get my hands on regularly.

The problem: I've grown tired of all the songs I can play on only three strings, and I was wondering if anyone knew a good song, maybe a riff of some sort, that I could play on my EA and Ds?

Any input would be ridiculously helpful.




  1. Those are the bottom three strings.

  2. To pass the time till you get back to normal, why not learn some bass lines, I know they would be an octave higher, but it would keep your fingers, and fingertips, in trim, plus it would give you an insight to parts of songs that most ignore.

       Hope this helps pass some time.

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