i just wrote on how he took off the weekend and lied why he didn't make it to work . well, people say let him grow, i let him go out to help a friend . he has school in the morning. i said to be back no later then two hours. its after 11pm. i called him, he now coming home. i am so mad. he lied to me earlier, i made him do allot of chores .. so i let him go help a friend.now he says he left at 9 and it was 2hours. i told him he needs to be in bed about 10 for school. i cant win. what ever i say he tries to change what was said. i cant take the car he pays for it. if i do he finds ways out, he works he meets friends or will lie he is there. i want to drop his ell phone . he is going to be 18in 8 months and he thinks he can break all the rules until then. he is usually good what the heck i think its the guys he is with.what would you do in this situation.