
What to do with this pathetic looking petunia [see pictures]?

by  |  earlier

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Should I just toss it? I don't want to but I don't know what else to do with it. It gets lots of sun and enough water, and it doesn't have any apparent parasites. Is there anything I can do to save it?




  1. You've permitted your petunia to produce pods.  Petunias prefer pinching for prolific production.

  2. Petunias are annuals - which means they only last one season then they die (as opposed to plants which are perennial and stay alive season after season). It has just reached the end of the season and is now getting all straggly and will soon die off. Toss it out now, and replant a new one next year. In the mean time find another annual to fill the pot.

  3. Give it a haircut and fertilizer.  Cuttings will root in water.  Plant will overwinter inside.

  4. I don't know where you live, but petunias are annuals and their season is nearly over. Yours could have been cut back a few times during the growing season. And you would need to keep all the deadheads off. A plant that size can live in a pot only so long, and it's just done for. Have you ever given it food?

    You're right. It's not looking good at all.  

  5. my one was all jangly too,two days ago I trim it back and only left about five ins on there,I am trying to prompt regrowth on the stems..cause I did not want to throw it out...It is looking a little better right now,if this is gonna work I dont know,but you could try that if you friend did this all the time and it work for her,so thats why I am trying this way...If you do not want to do this you will have to throw it out I am afraid...  good luck..

  6. Try Plant Food I use It On Pumpkins and it works a treat mabye it will work on petunias too

    Good Luck x  

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